You Give Love A Bad Name (Steve x Reader)

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Prompt: Infinity War has passed and everyone is alive again (because your author can't handle it any other way) and you reunite with the soldier himself. Except...things are a lot different

Warnings: Mentioned sex but like it should be safe, lol
This is also complete Shit

A/N: Hello Friends


The great 'infinity war' as Tony called it, had officially been over for a week and a half. Things haven't been getting better in the new Avengers facility, though. Tony allowed everyone to come back and live there despite what the government argued. Tony just waved his money and it all seemed to disappear. 

You couldn't say that you were upset that everyone was back together, no you were the happiest person alive, it was just a certain soldier that you had had your eye on even before the Civil War had drastically changed. Instead of the innocent, young man you once knew, he was now a full fledged pantie-dropping hunk. 

It was hard to be in the same room with him for more than five minutes before you had to excuse yourself. His voice had grown deeper, his muscles (if it was possible) looked bigger, his shirts were tight to show off everything, and he grew a damn fucking beard. 

Yet he still held that same 'Steve' smile for you. Whenever you talked, it was like he was still there. Just...more grown up and a whole lot sexier. Steve wasn't as innocent as he had been either, which you figured out the first night he moved into the room next to yours. 

"Y/N!" Natasha whines while waving a hand in front of your face. 

"Sorry, what?" You demand.

"Stop googling over Steve and pay attention!" She hisses.

"I don't know what you mean!" You stutter while looking around to make sure the man himself wasn't in the room. 

"Y/N, everyone can see it-"

"He can't right? Am I being that obvious? Holy shit, Nat, I have to move to Canada and change my name to Pablo." You stutter while standing from the stool, not noticing the group that had slowly filed into the room at the sound of your outburst.

"Y/N, you do not need to change your name to Pablo." She chuckles.

"So you're saying I still have to move?!" You screech. "What about Patricia?! Fat Amy?!" 

"You're not fat." Nat replies.

"It doesn't matter!" You cry. "I have to leave before shit goes down!"

"I think the 'shit' has already gone down, way to far." Clint chuckles while walking over to the counter.

"Shut the fuck up, Barton." You order. "I don't remember inviting you into this conversation."

"When you're screaming like a kid on Christmas, I think we're entitled to join." Scott announces. 

"I am just mentioning how I should move to Canada because of Steve's hot-as-fuck beard." You reply with a shrug. Instantly, your face goes beat read as you slap yourself. "Please tell me I didn't say that out loud."

Tony looks back at Steve with a smirk before he waves him away, a plan already forming in his head. "Y/N, you did." 

"Shit." You grumble. 

"But you're fine because Steve's not here." Tony continues, despite the looks thrown his way. "I do need you to go and get him from his room though."

"Tony, you know that I cannot be in the same room as him for longer than five minutes before I start talking." You whine while stomping your foot.

"Then you better make it fast, hm?" He replies. 

"Piece of shit ninety year old." You grumble while stomping to the hallway. Tony rolls his eyes and walks to the fridge in the middle of the group. "She'll/He'll thank me later."

"You manipulative son of a bitch." Peter Quill shakes his head. "I should have thought of it."

"Yeah, but you didn't." Tony rolls his eyes while pulling a protein shake off of the top shelf.

You idly walk down the hall, scoffing your shoes against the ground in a gruff attempt to not go to Steve's room. With what you were just thinking about, you couldn't imagine facing him with a clear expression that didn't give everything away. It was hard to picture, at this moment, that you were an amazing assassin like Natasha and Clint. 

Finally, you make it right outside of Steve's door. You stand there for a few seconds, staring at the metal in front of you and willing for something to happen so you didn't have to knock on his door and relay the tiny and insignificant (in your opinion) message from Tony.

"Steven!" You shout without touching his door. "Tonyneedsyouimmediatelybye." 

Quickly, you turn to rush into your own room when you hear his door slide open. "Y/N, what did you say?" Steve chuckles, which stops you dead in your tracks. You sigh and without turning around repeat yourself slowly. "Y/N, look at me."

"I can't." You state. "Because I hurt my nose."

"What?" He questions. 

"And I don't want you to see it." You continue and wince, you were officially jumping out of a window later. 

"Y/N, what's going on?" Steve demands while setting a firm hand on your shoulder to make sure you didn't run. Slowly, he turns you around and you stare straight ahead at his chest, refusing to make eye contact. Steve shakes his head with a small smile and places his finger under your chin and lifts it until you had no choice but to look at his face. "Is it something I did?"

"Yes." You bluntly state. "You got fucking hotter."

Steve smiles and places the hand that had been on your chin onto your shoulder as he moves his left hand onto your waist. Gently, he pushes you against the wall and tilts his head to the side. "And what's wrong with that?"

"Everything." You breathe. "I-I can't think...I shouldn't even be telling you this, you're just...old Steve was great too....I even rambled with you then but went from 'Hello Sir' to 'Your Daughter Calls Me Daddy Too'. Do you know what that does to a girl? Especially a girl who has liked you for so-"

Steve silences you by slowly placing his lips on yours. His hand starts to play with your hair as you react and kiss back, your hands automatically wrapping around his neck. When you finally separate, both of you are breathless and smiling. Steve stares at you for a second, taking everything in. Your blushed cheeks, wide eyes, messy hair, and beautiful, swollen lips.

"What?" You inquire. "Was I that bad? Do I have bad breath? Oh shit I knew I shouldn't have eaten Clint's soup!"

Steve quickly kisses you again with laughter slipping through his lips. Slowly, he pulls away again and cups your cheek. "Y/N, the only thing wrong is that you're too damn beautiful." He whispers. "But I'm sure I can manage."

"Steve." You whisper. "That was really cheesy." You both burst out into laughter as he shakes his head at you. 

"Can you take anything seriously?" Steve jokes.

"I don't know." You bite your lip and balance on your tip toes to stare into his eyes. "Depends on the situation."

"Then let's see." He states while slowly leading you into his room, the door automatically closing behind you. "How serious I can make you." 

"Challenge accepted, Captain." 

Let's just say, the rest of the 'team' stayed away from Steve's hall for the rest of the night. Especially after Peter Parker walked by, because no one had informed him, and heard well...noises coming from Steve's room. Within five minutes, the team could hear screaming, you and Steve, as well as profuse apologies from the Spiderling. Something along the lines of 'I thought you were dying! Who screams like that anyway?!'

Anyway, you and Steve made sure to have Tony place a lock on his door because they're would be many more nights to come and there was just too many innocents in the base but you figured they wouldn't last long with Tony and Peter Quill around.

Marvel Imagines And One-Shots || Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now