Wait, You're Who?! (Loki x Reader)

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Prompt: You have another life and Loki is apart of it

Requested By: AstridStormfly

Warnings: Reader, you may be kinda dumb 'cause you don't recognize who Loki is. RIP YOU!

A/N: I apologize for calling you dumb. Sorry.
Also Idk how I feel about this.....so RIP

It was supposed to be an easy day, in and out, saving the world. Just as easy as picking up the groceries on the way home from work. You lived with a guy named Liam and you were hoping that he wouldn't notice the change in your walking or how you had a growing bruise on your forehead. 

Finally, you push yourself into your shared apartment and fall against the door with an audible groan, the room is silent. You let a small breath escape out of the habit of thinking you were safe, only to freeze when you hear another groan from down the hall. 

"Y/N??" Liam's voice calls.

"Y-yes?" You question.

"You're home! Why did you stay at work so long?" Liam questions, his voice sort of strained.

"Well, um...coworker needed help." You quickly lie. "How about you? How was work?"

"Successful." He chuckles but quickly clears his throat. You nod and quickly use the wall to scale to your room. You make it and lean against the door as you look down the hall towards his bedroom door, which was propped open like yours. 

"Okay, well um...mine wasn't so much." You shake your head to continue with the conversation, even though it hurt like a bitch. "I completely failed at this." 

"Really?" Liam demands.

"Yes, Liam. It happens to people." You mumble. You hear him hesitate before replying, but only a mumble about his name being 'Loki' comes from his room and you cannot figure out the rest to save your life. "What?!"

"Nothing," Liam replies. "I was speaking to myself." 

"Well, alright. I'll see you in the morning." You call before quickly shutting the door and rushing to your bed to stitch up your wounds.

This seemed to happen often, you'd come in late with new wounds or he would. You couldn't figure out who he was, was he a vigilante like yourself? Or was he a villain secretly working with Hydra? The thought made you shudder. 

"I have to figure this out." You shake your head while wrapping your knee. "I can't just wait in the shadows for everything to blow up." 

**Time Skip brought to you by Steve going to see the Justice League Movie and getting called a traitor by his team**

You shift in your spot and rub your arms from the cold that had seemed to sweep into your apartment from nowhere! You told Liam that you'd be working late again and for him not to wait up, instead, you waited in the one hiding place you knew he'd never find....or at least hoped.

Finally, Liam walks out of his room, but this guy was not Liam. You have to hold your breath to not let a gasp come out. It was the villain Loki and he was standing in your living room with all of his made up glory.

"Please don't let me be dating Loki. Please don't let me be dating Loki." You silently pray to yourself. You didn't want to talk to him after this and have it be revealed that you had kicked his ass many times before and you sure as hell didn't want him to figure out that he had handed you your ass the night before.

"Y/N," Loki calls with a sigh. "I can hear you, come out of your hiding spot." 

"No." You stubbornly reply. "Y...I want to talk to Liam!"

"You are." Loki shakes his head. "I am sorry but you were lying to me as well, hm S/H/N?" (Superhero Name)

"I don't know what you're talking about." You whisper.

"Y/N." Loki sighs.

"Look." You state while crawling from your hiding spot to stand across from him. "If you are Liam, we can't do this anymore. Do you know what people will say?"

"That we break barriers and are the definition of 'power couple'?" Loki jokes.

"You are unbelievable." You scoff.

"Would you just try?" Loki begs, yes actually begs. "I do love you and if you don't want to be with me just because of who I am? I'll change."

"I don't want you to change for me." You deny. "Ever." 

"Then please, may we try something?" Loki questions.

"Yeah, I guess." You sigh while walking into his open arms. "Just don't tell Tony or Thor, they'll kick my ass."

"Yes, m'lady." He laughs and kisses your forehead. "I love you, Y/N." 

"I love you too, Lia....Loki." 

Marvel Imagines And One-Shots || Part TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant