Through Sickness & Health (Avengers x Reader)

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Prompt: You're usually the 'mother hen' that helps take care of the team. When you fall ill, without telling anyone, can the team step up or will you just fall into a pit of sickness and despair? 

Warnings: This is based off my sickness so there will be swearing

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I've been super fucking sick and have been trying to get back to 100%. I was able to write this drabble a while ago and just added to it. Thanks for reading!

Okay, so maybe going out in the rain to help Thor couldn't even remember anymore, wasn't such a good idea. You, being you, thought that it'd be fine. You would just go to Central Park for a few hours (it was sunny at the time you thought of this) to help Thor but then the rain came and the god begged you to just finish. Which ended up to be three hours later. 

You then proceeded to stay in your wet clothes to help the other team members. It also included exposing yourself to a cold because of Clint (who was much better today). You must've taken his cold and gotten one from being outside, which was complete shit in your opinion.

You sneeze and roll over in your bed with a groan, everything hurt. Your head, your stomach, your chest, even your fucking legs! A knock on your door causes you to freeze up, no no no! The Avengers were supposed to be out. Tony promised that everyone would go to a bar or something and you told them that Coulson needed you for debriefing! It was the perfect plan! No one was supposed to be in the tower while you got better!

"Y/N?" Steve's muffled voice calls through the door. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it sounds like someone's on their deathbed or something!" Tony adds and your face falls slack. That comment just completely made your day.

"I'm fine." You croak, cringing at how horrid and inhuman your voice sounded. "Just watching that Doctor show I love."

"Y/N." Natasha's stern voice booms from the other side. "Open the damn door."

"No!" You whine. "I don't want to get anyone infected." 

"So you admit that you're sick!" Clint cries in victory.

"Damn it." You whisper. 

"Y/N, you helped Clint, Steve, and Bucky through colds." Wanda slowly explains. "We can take time to help you." 

"No, guys." You shake your head. "It's bad. Like really bad, I'm a horrible sick-"

You cut yourself with a coughing fit. It made your throat feel raw and your lungs constrict as you sat up to try and get more air into your system. Somewhere in your coughing fit, Tony was able to override your command of keeping the door closed. So, all the Avengers were able to file into the room. What they saw was, well, a sad as fuck sight.

You were pale as a vampire on your bed. Pillows and blankets surrounded you with tissues (used or not) laying on top of them. Your TV was on but it was obvious that you hadn't been paying attention to it at all. Medication bottles (and over the counter remedies) lay stacked on your nightstand with coffee cups next to them. 

Steve immediately rushes forward and helps you sit up, tapping your back slightly until the coughing subsided. Quickly you push him away while putting a blanket over your face. "Steve! You're going to get diseased!" 

"It does not matter, Lady Y/N." Thor quickly denies while putting his hand in the air. "We are here to help you, whatever you want or need."

"I want you all to get out of here before you get sick." You deadpan.

"Nice one." Tony rolls his eyes. 

"Y/N." Bruce sighs. "At least let me give you a check up or something."

"Fine." You gruff. "But that's it!" 

**Time Skip brought to you by Steve & Bucky rushing to the pharmacy to try and find something to cheer you up**

Evidently, your wish did not come true. Instead, each Avenger stayed to watch Bruce give you a check up. Then he listed off instructions to pairs of two and before you knew it, your room had become a fully functional doctors office. Except there was only one patient and that was you. 

Steve and Bucky went to buy medications. Clint and Thor went to find some soup. Tony went with Bruce to finalize everything in the lab. Natasha and Wanda helped you change and moved you into the living area where you could be more comfortable and so they could keep a better eye on you.

To say that you were grateful would be an understatement. You had never had anyone to care for you like the team was right now. It was always you who usually did, well, the caring. Now it was like you couldn't move a finger without someone rushing to your side to ask what they could do for you. 

It felt amazing and when you finally fell asleep that night, you actually believed that you would be better the next day. A thought that kept swirling around because you just knew that the others would be sick. 

Well, let's just say that everyone got sick, including yourself, except for Tony. Tony, being Tony, hired nurses and doctors to care for everyone while he locked himself in the lab. He only came out hours later to watch a movie with everyone but he was inside an actual bubble. A bubble that you were, under no circumstances, allowed to touch. 

That pissed you off big time

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