Chapter 68: Victory?

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Hey Guys and Girls. Have another chapter for this lovely 2nd of December. I hope you enjoy.

Until tomorrow.

Caro :D

Mark POV

With a focused expression I walked closer to the furious demons. Insanity then rushed towards me, his fists wrapped in black smoke. Just before he reached me, I teleported behind him. However, he had expected this and struck behind him, so I had to block him with a shield before I teleported myself above him. Then I took my sword and struck swiftly towards the ground. However, Insanity managed to grab the blade of my sword and threw me in a tree. Groaning I got up again and rushed up to Insanity. As we met each other, we started beating each other and after a while we both landed a punch to the face of the other. For several seconds we remained so, before we started to strike at each other violently. After a few strong blows in Insanity's belly, the demon jumped away from me while he turned his black smoke into a giant snake.

The snake hissed angrily and snapped at me. Luckily I was able to teleport in time and let my shadow dragon appear. Both of the creatures were staring at each other before they started attacking. Insanity's snake wrapped around my dragon and bite him in his neck. The shadow dragon screamed before he dug his sharp claws into the body of the snake and got the snake off his body. Then he bite in the body of the snake and ripped off her head. Loud roaring he let go of the head, which fell to the floor with the severed body and turned into smoke, which disappeared quickly. His red eyes fixed on Insanity and screamed at him before rushing towards him. Insanity was able to dodge and jump on the head of the dragon. Afterwards he pierced the head of the dragon with his shadow blade. My dragon cried out before he turned back into my shadow.

The white-haired demon and I had already used a lot of magic and breathed heavily. //"Mark? Everything okay with you?"//, asked Dark with concern. //"Don't worry, I'm fine. We should just end this fight as soon as possible."//, I answered my partner and took a deep breath. Then I summoned my sword again and rushed towards Insanity. Once again we had a fierce blade dance and after some time we stood opposite each other, while our Blades clashed against each other. Insanity growled and stared at me with hatred, so I avert my gaze to not fall under one of his illusions. However, the white-haired demon had expected it and let his black smoke shoot from his palms. The smoke wrapped itself tightly around my body and made it hard for me to breath.

Insanity just laughed and threw me around in a circle, which was getting bigger and I was hit by several tree trunks. After a bit Insanity let go of my body with his smoke and I flew against the wall of the barrier. Shortly after I landed back on the ground, while Dark separated himself from me and we both were severely injured on the floor. Meanwhile, Insanity had calmed down and step towards us. "What was that with it will not end up like last time?", came it from the white-haired demon, which was grinning down on us. Dark growled and tried to stand up again, however, his body refused. I even tried it, but my injuries made it not easy for me. My eyes closed while I ordered my light magic to heal my body. However, the healing process took a long time and in that time, I could not defend myself.

Insanity was now standing directly in front of us and bent down to us, to grab us by our neck. Suddenly the barrier broke and a giant green laser collided with the demon, which flew several meters over the battle area from the impact of the attack until he finally collided with a rock. Surprised Dark and I looked to the starting point of the attack and saw Jack and Anti in their fused form. Then the two ran towards us and separated from each other. Jack squatted down next to me and held me close to his chest. He quietly said to me: "Mark, how are you feeling?" "Not so good, but I'll be fit again soon. My healing spell needs only a little bit of time.", I replied quietly and leaned closer to him. Anti held Dark in his arms too and stroked tenderly over his cheek. The soul mate of my partner had tears running down his face and smiled tenderly.

Highschool of Demons & Priests; Book 1 Children of Light and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now