Chapter 26: Study of Magic

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Hey guys and girls here is the next chapter. I hope you like it. Chapter 27 is coming soon.

Also thank you for nearly 100 votes. That's why I wanted to ask, do you want a one shot, a dark crossover one shot I wrote two years ago (but never published) or the first chapter of a new story as a celebration gift when we hit 150 votes. (I wanted to make it a 100 votes celebration but I'm going to need time to prepare what I'm going to publish, so I put it to 150. )

See you in the next chapter

Caro :D

Mark POV

I just got in a comfortable position when I was woken up by the ear-deafening noise of my alarm clock. Sighing I sat up and switched off the alarm. Still sleepy I finally got up and walked in the direction of the bathroom. Yawning I started to comb my hair and afterwards brushed my teeth. More awake now I went back to my room and put my fresh outfit on. A few minutes later I wore a red T-shirt, deep-blue jeans, white socks and black sport shoes with red stripes at the side. At last I put my glasses on and walked in a good mood to the kitchen. Jack already sat quietly with a cup of coffee at the bar and was focused deeply on his mobile phone. He wore a white T-shirt, a black jacket over it, black trousers, deep-blue socks and grey street shoes.

"Good morning Jack, slept well?", I greeted with a smile, while I filled my own cup with coffee. Finally he looked up from his mobile phone and it came from my roommate: "Oh, morning Mark. Yes, I slept like a baby. Already excited for your lessons?" "Totally. I couldn't close my eyes, so excited was I.", I told him before I took a gulp from my drink. After we had breakfast, we packed our bags and went on our way to school. A few metres before the school entrance I got a new SMS. Curiously I opened it and just couldn't keep a sigh back. Worried my friend asked: "Everything alright? Did something happen?" "No, I only forgot that my mother is coming this afternoon with the rest of my things.", I answered while rolling my eyes. As a result Jack started to laugh and patted me on my shoulder.

On the way to our lockers, we still discussed what our plan would be after school ended. "How about this plan. We go home, cook lunch for ourselves and your mother, bring all your things to your room, eat afterwards together and then we relax the rest of the day.", came the tenth idea from my friend. With my books in my hands I meant: "I'm not sure about this." "Oh, come on Mark. What don't ya like about this plan?", asked the blue-eyed and bite his lower lip while he was sulking. After swallowing I answered: "I t-thought ... You really don't have to ... *Sigh* you really don't have to help me. Spend the rest of the day with the others and have some fun instead of spending it with cardboard boxes." The reason was completely made up. I really wanted Jack to spend the day with me, however I didn't want him to meet my mother just yet.

//She will pester him only with a thousand questions and make a comment after the other about my childhood or what a sweet couple we would be. .. No, not going to happen! I would die immediately of embarrassment.//, darted it through my thoughts. "Nonsense, I will help ya. Whether it fits ya or not. Besides it will be funny as well, because I spend my time with ya.", countered Jack and now my last excuse was thrown out the window. //Damn it, how does he find the loopholes in my excuses again and again?//, I cursed mentally. A few minutes later we reached my first class: Study of Magic. With a smile Jack said goodbye to me to get to his class on time. Hesitating I walked into my classroom, while I bit my lower lip nervously. Suddenly I was called by a voice I knew: "Hey Mark! We are over here!"

Surprised I turned my head to the right and spotted Ethan and Tyler, which waved at me joyfully. Skilfully I made my way through the mass of students, who were still discussing where they will sit, and reached the two priests. Exhausted I dropped myself on the free chair next to them and laid my books before me on the table. "Morning, how are you to doing?", I asked, while I was rummaging through my bag to find my notebook. The two, or rather Ethan, told me what they did yesterday and this morning in exact detail until the last minute before classes started. A few seconds later Miss Starlight stepped into the class and sat down on the teacher's desk. She wore a white blouse, a knee-length jeans skirt, deep-blue highheels and a blue hairband on her blond hair. With her friendly voice she welcomed us: "Welcome dear first ranks to your first class of this school year. I'm Miss Starlight."

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