Chapter 61: 25 days

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Hey Guys and Girls. Here is a new chapter for you. I hope you enjoy.

PS. We are slowly getting to 600 votes and I just wanted to know if you want a one shot or a Q&A as the 600 special. Write in the comments what you would like to have.

Until the next chapter,

Caro :D

Dark POV

With a dart I surged forward and took quick and deep breaths. //What the hell just happened?//, shot it through my head and I stroked with my left hand through my hair. A few seconds later I felt someone sitting up next to me. "Dark? Everything alright, buddy?", I heard Mark's voice beside me and felt his right hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and sighed, before I answered him: "Yes, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream." Mark looked at me a little sceptical and asked: "Are you sure it was only a nightmare and nothing else? You're usually not so jumpy."

"... You're right. It was more than a nightmare. But I have no idea what exactly I experienced. However, it makes me wonder. It almost felt as if someone was calling for help with whatever this was and I was the only one who heard his cry for help.", I explained to my partner and looked him directly in his eyes. Mark frowned and said: "This is strange. ... Let's sleep over it and talk about this "cry for help" tomorrow with Luxilia and the others. We shouldn't act straight forward without more information and without knowing what this means." I nodded in agreement and disappeared into Mark's body when I realized how exhausted I am. Shortly after I felt how Mark fell asleep a few seconds later.

25 Days later

Luxilia, Caro and Sora had no idea what this "vision" meant. We had spent the whole next morning after I had this dream in order to figure out what this meant. However, we couldn't come up with anything. That's why I said we should find this boy and help him. This suggestion was faced with a lot of protest from the others. They didn't wanted us to leave the temple, out of fear the demons would capture us. So Mark and I had no other choice than to remain here in the temple and improve our battling skills. In these last 25 days after my "dream" we had made huge progress. Mark was now able to use all of the spells from rank 1 and 2 without problems and he was even able to perform a few rank 3 spells. During our time here in the temple my shadow wolf Mason has grown quite a lot and if he stands next to me his shoulder touches my hip.

Sora had helped me in the last few days too. I had mastered my element magic to the point I didn't have to think for long what I should use. The turquoise-haired had also shown me many useful tricks how I can control my manipulation magic and transformation magic better and use it more skilfully. Now I could control all shadows within a radius of three kilometres and am able to control it much easier. So now I can move around more freely during battle while I use this magic. Sora's tricks also helped me learn how to change my appearance much faster and how to use the characteristics of my transformation better. All in all, Caro, Sora and Luxilia were very proud of our progress. However, these last days have been hard too, not only physically but also mentally. Mark and I were missing both of our soulmates more and more with each passing day. We were almost starting to lose our minds.

Fortunately, our friends managed to calm us and kept us sane. With the hope of getting back home soon our mood got better again and my partner and I couldn't wait for the day to come when we can return again.

Jack POV

25 days already have passed since we saw Mark and Dark the last time. In these past days we had tried to track them down by following every hint we got, but they only led us into a dead-end. Nevertheless, we didn't gave up and kept on looking for our friend. But with each day passing Anti and I got more desperate. My partner and I tried with the last bit of hope we had, to track them down by our soul link. Unfortunately, we lost their trail every time before we could even make out in which direction we have to go looking for them. The more time passed the more aggressive and crazy my Demon Side got. He just couldn't bear that his soulmate wasn't by his side and that he can't protect him anymore. But it wasn't any different for me, I got more depressed and talked less than normally.

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