Chapter 33: Meditation class

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OH MY GOD, I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I actually updated this chapter. I am so so so so so so sorrrrrrryyyyyyyy!!!!!

I hope it is up now, if not let me please know, so I can fix it again.

Caro :)

Well, hey Guys and Girls. Here is the chapter, I hope you enjoy it.
Also a big thanks for all the Support. 128 votes and 18 followers is really amazing for me.

Until the net chapter,

Caro :D

Mark POV

As the school bell started to ring, I quickly went into the classroom and sat down on a free table. Shortly after a woman, who seemed to be around 35 years old, entered the class and stood in front of us. She had dark-brown hair with a few grey streaks and grey-blue eyes. She was relatively slender and barely taller than I am. She wore a grey and white striped shirt, black pants and white high heels. "Welcome to your meditation class. I am your teacher, Miss Vamilion. In this class we will train mainly your cooperation and fusion with your Demon Side. For now, let's try that you arrive in a stage of peace, so you can learn to notice each other. For that, we need a different atmosphere. All of you, please, come to me for a second.", Miss Vamilion welcomed us. Obediently we did what we were told by our teacher and walked to the front of the class.

Miss Vamilion just flicked with her fingers and the tables and chairs disappeared. In their place appeared fine embroidered carpets surrounded by burning candles. Lovingly the older teacher said: "You can pick out a carpet and sit cross-legged on it." Quickly everyone found a carpet and did the desired position. Miss Vamilion was now in the middle of the room and closed her eyes. Shortly after that the room was shrouded in darkness and the only light came from the candles around us. "Don't worry, that's just my magic. I want that you focus only on yourself and on my voice. I'll give you two minutes to prepare yourselves.", sounded the voice of our teacher from her position. Relieved I relaxed my body again and brought my breathing and heartbeat back to a normal level.

After a while our teacher started to talk again: "Well, let's start. Close your eyes and try to concentrate on your surroundings. Can you feel the heat of the candles, the fabric of the carpet and the slight breath of wind? Can you smell the scent of the candles?" I tried carefully to follow the instructions. After a while I realized that I felt each individual warmth of the flames, the soft carpet under me and the slight breath of wind that flew over my skin. It felt almost as if I could see the whole room, although my eyes were closed and that Miss Vamilion has filled the room with darkness. "As your next step, focus on your breathing and your heartbeat. When you have done that, try to feel your soul power coursing through your body.", were the next instructions. Just like I did with Cry, I searched for my soul energy.

After my breathing remained evenly and I managed to hear my heartbeat, the now familiar tingling started to go through my body. Shortly after it came from our teacher: "As soon as you feel the energy, concentrate it in your centre." A few seconds later I felt the tingling in my chest more intensely and it eventually became a strong vibration. "Concentrate now on your centre.", followed the next step of Miss Vamilion. I realized my surroundings faded out more and more from my conscious, the more I focused on my energy. It felt like I was floating in nothingness. Quietly I heard the voice of my teacher: "As soon as you are in the status of nothingness and silence, look deep into your soul." Slightly confused I tried it, whereby the vibration in my chest got stronger and I felt the energy of a second person in front of me.

"Can you feel the energy of your partner across from you? If yes, stretch out your arms and invite your Demon Side to accompany you.", came it from the teacher. Carefully I stretched out my arms with my palm up and my soul energy reached out to Dark's energy in order to reach my second half. Suddenly I felt the energy on my palms, which felt like two hands enclosing my own. The rest happened so fast and yet everything felt like it was in slow motion. A shock went through my body, I felt how I was pulled from my peaceful surroundings and fell deeper into nothingness. In the next moment a white light shone and I found myself in a room. It was divided into two halves. One was deep black and the other bright white. I was laying on my back on the white side and when I sat up, I saw Dark sit on the black side.

Highschool of Demons & Priests; Book 1 Children of Light and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now