Chapter 67: The deciding fight starts

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Hey Guys and Girls. Here is a new chapter for you all. Also I said I was uploading more chapters and don't worry I did right four chapters. BUt because it's December the 1st I thought why not TRY to update every day up until Christmas. So today you will have this Chapter and tomorrow you will have another one. However, I can't promise completely to always have a chapter ready for every day, so if one day I can't keep up with making one that I'm sorry. I just kinda thought why not try this little challenge. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Until tomorrow,

Caro :D

Caro POV

After the flash of light disappeared around my body again, I opened my eyes and stared with a focused gaze at Pain. He was preparing for another attack while having a scowl on his face. Afterwards I hit with my left fist against my chest where the icon of my suit is. As a result my body began to glow again and suddenly I was in a turquoise armour. // "Let's get over with this fight as soon as possible Caro."//, came it from Sora and I nodded in approval. Pain suddenly stormed towards me and wanted to shred me into tiny pieces with his scythe blades. However, I held my arms up so that his blades were stopped by my armour, grabbed them right after and broke them in half. Pain looked at me startled and jumped away from me. With a grin I brought out my sword again and rushed at the corrupted Demon Side.

Skilfully I hit the Demon Side on his arms and legs, causing injuries that made it painful for him to move. However, Pain managed to hide from me in a ruined building. //"Damn, where is he?"//, I asked myself and my partner as I searched through the building to find my opponent. As I stormed through a big room, I was suddenly attacked from behind and thrown against a wall. I quickly got up and saw Pain, which was hanging from the chandelier and swung over towards me to land on top of me. However, I pierced my sword into the ground and a giant tree grew from my sword and caught Pain, while the tree burst through the roof of the building. Afterwards I climbed up the tree and Pain was tied up in some branches high up in the air. "Perfect, you're going to stay here for now. I hope we manage to get you back to your senses.", I said and jumped down from the tree, before I made my way towards the school.

Mark POV

I quickly galloped with Galaxy over the school grounds to help my classmates and teachers. In my right hand I held my white sword while my left hand held firmly onto Galaxy's mane. I was shocked to find so many demons on the school grounds. All of a sudden I heard screams and saw a group of girls surrounded by Level 7 demons. I quickly gave Galaxy the command to run there. One of the demons wanted to slash one of the girl with his claws into pieces, however, I aimed with my sword at the demon and threw it like a spear at it. My sword landed directly in his eye and the demon screamed in pain and fell backwards and landed on his back. Therefore the girls and the demons stared at me. The demons stormed towards me and tried to smash me into the ground.

However, Galaxy dodged the large fists and we reached the girls unharmed. I quickly jumped from the back of my being of light and said to the girls: "Get on his back. He will bring you to safety. I'll take care of these bastards." The girls nodded and climbed on Galaxy's back. Then he ran off and made sure that nothing happened to them. In the meantime I gathered my light magic in my hands again and got into a fighting position. The demon had already turned back around and one of them ran up to me. In time I jumped in the air and landed on his fist. Afterwards I placed my hands on his skin and sent my magic into his body. The light coursed through his whole body and my opponent screamed in pain, while he slowly dissolving into little light particles that flew in the air.

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