Chapter 34: Combat training

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Hey Guys and Girls here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. This time we have a little more action with Jack. Also in the video above you can find all (or most of them) of the fighting tricks that were used in this chapter.

Also, I just wanted to say it again, for people how still haven't noticed. The 150 Vote special ist out in an extra book I published for things like this. So it would mean a lot for me if you would read it. Because I worked really hard on it and it is a gift to you all for supporting me.

Well, until the next chapter - Caro :D

Back to the end of the lunch break

Jack POV

After I left Mark in front of the entrance to the cafeteria, I went straight to the training fields, where I had my next class. Felix, Ken, Cry, Minx and Yami were already waiting for me in the shade of a tree next to the fields. "Hey Jack, where have you been?", asked me Felix as he saw me coming. I replied: "I was walking with Mark around the school grounds. That's all." "Oh really?", came it deviously from Minx, while she wiggled her eyebrows. With a sigh I shook my head, while Yami rolled his eyes, annoyed by this question. A few minutes later, we heard the ringing of the school bell and our teacher came up to us. The young man was likely to be around 25 years old, his black hair was cut short at the side and the top was longer and styled. He had brown-blue eyes and gleaming white teeth.

The teacher wore on his lean, fit body a white T-Shirt, short black sport pants, grey socks and black and white sport shoes. On his wrists were several bracelets, with phrases in Latin on a metal plate on all of them. With a friendly and pleasantly deep voice he greeted us: "Hello, you're the new Seconds, right? I'm your new teacher in your class combat training. My name is Mister Praston. Nice to meet you all. In my class you will learn how to fight probably and to improve your own fighting style. The only catch is, in the first few months we are fighting without any use of magic. In today's lesson I would like to see how good you are in fist fights and how familiar you are with combat situations. Therefore, we are going to be playing a game. You will all receive a light string around your upper arm, which will symbolise your life. As soon as somebody else rips it off you're out. The last one standing is the winner, who has the big chance to fight against me."

This announcement got everybody's attention immediately. We have never had the chance to fight against a teacher. To be honest, I was completely fired up to win. Unfortunately I wasn't the only one, because every one of us wanted to get the main prize. The young teacher recited something in Latin before a white light danced around the field. All of a sudden we were surrounded by an energy fence and around our left upper arm appeared a white light as a string. Mister Praston walked to the fence and climbed over it. "Okay, you can use the whole place, so spread out a bit. In this zone everybody is your enemy, even your best friends can't be trusted. Show no mercy, your "life" is at a risk if you do. As soon as one of your classmates gets your "life" string you have to leave the battle area.", told us our new teacher. We did what he said and spread out evenly with a distance of three meters between us on the battle ground.

The afternoon sun shone mercilessly down on the field and heated up the fine sand under our feet. None of us could get an advantage on this flat surface without any obstacles. //"Let's kick some butts."//, came it from Anti, which had recovered faster than I had thought. //"Sure, will you cover my back?"//, I asked afterwards. //"You can count on me, we will give everything we have."//, replied my partner. Meanwhile, my classmates were getting also ready for the battle and the tension rose. A few seconds later Mister Praston proclaimed: "All right, ready, steady, ... GO!" As soon as these words left his mouth, every one rushed to the centre of the field, expect me. Only when all of them were a few meters away from me, I started running. When everyone met in the centre, blows after blows were dealt out.

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