Chapter 32: Culture Class

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Hey Guys and Girls. I'm sorry it took so long to update, but I just focused on writing as much as I can at the moment, because I don't know if I can get to write a lot in three weeks.

I also want to know, because I'm actually really curious, how you all found/heard about my story.

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Until next time,

Caro :D

Mark POV

Before Jack had to leave to get to his own class, he explained to me where I would find my class. As I turned around the last corner, I saw the rest of the students disappear through the door of my classroom. In just a few seconds I closed up to them and whispered to myself: "Just in time." Quickly I looked around in the class room and spotted a free table for me alone in the back row. Swiftly I crept past my classmates and sat down in my chair. I had just sat down, when the door snapped shut and a young man entered the room. He stopped in front of the large teacher's desk and turned to us with a smile. The young teacher had blonde to golden, spiky hair, an oval-shaped face, friendly, green-brown eyes and a radiant smile. In his styled hair sat a black pair of sunglasses.

He wore on his lean, trained body a white T-Shirt, over it a black leather jacket with yellow stripes and a lightning bolt on the left side of the chest, grey, torn jeans and black and yellow shoes. Chilled he raised his right arm and waved to us in a casual way, while he said: "Yo, how are you? I am your culture teacher. You can call me Spark, I don't like being addressed with my last name. Enough from me, why don't we start with our class. ... Our culture is really complex, but the most important part is the study of souls and this is precisely where we will start today." Elegant and swift he turned around and walked over to the blackboard. He took a chalk and began to write something on the blackboard. "What is a soul? Can one of you answer this question?", asked our teacher into the room and leaned with his upper body loosely over the back of his chair.

A few brave students raised their hands and Spark chose a student in the third row: "Um, what I have heard and read about souls, is that they are the origin of our life energy, which can therefore be also called soul energy. It produces this energy and would be anything wrong with it, it has a serious impact on our body." "Very good, that's right. Without our life energy we can't keep our bodies alive. However, there is so much more to know about souls. Does everyone know how the different souls look like?", came it from the young teacher. The classroom was split between nodding and shaking heads. Grinning turned Spark back to the blackboard and was drawing beautifully several shapes on the blackboard.

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Our teacher turned back to us and pointed to the first picture on the left on top. Curious Spark asked: "What soul is this? Any suggestions?" The students started to call out wildly one above the other, before the bright-haired teacher brought everyone to stop talking. "Okay, okay. Please calm down again. The correct answer is that this soul is from a priest. That blue core is the energy cell, it generates the life energy of our body. The white shell is the magic of the priests, it's protecting the core. Without this shell we would be using our life energy instead of our magic in a fight. However, our magic is limited and needs to recover over time. The bright blue light around the shell and the core is the soul of the goddess, which is strengthening their magic and life energy.", told us the young teacher. Then he pointed at the drawing on the left in the middle and said to us: "What do you think this soul belongs to?"

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