Chapter 35: Capture the flag

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Hey Guys and Girls. Here is a new chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Caro :D

Jack POV

After nurse Annabeth had healed all the injuries of the students, we heard the school bell ring. "So, I wish you all a wonderful school day and afternoon. Next lesson I'll teach you some helpful defence tactics.", told us Mister Praston. A few seconds later my friends were next to me and Felix meant: "Wow, Jack. That was an intense battle. Mister Praston really knows how to fight." "Just be happy that you weren't his opponent. I'm healed, but I still remember the pain I felt.", I said to him and our friends laughed at this. In a good mood we went towards the cafeteria, where some of our classmates were already waiting in the courtyard of the cafeteria. In a deep conversation we sat down on one of the benches and waited for the next class to start.

We didn't had to wait long for the school bell to ring again and Miss Starlight stepped outside through one of the doors that lead to the yard. She announced in her friendly way: "I'm glad you're all here. This year I am your teamwork trainer. In my class I'm going to help you learn how to work faster and effectively in a group. In today's lesson we will play Capture the flag. You can arrange the groups yourself. I'll give you ten minutes." Relatively quick the two groups were chosen. In each group were the half of the class. I was together with my friends in one group and I received our red flag. "Excellent, than we can begin now. You are allowed to place your flag somewhere on the school grounds. As soon as you hear my whistle the game begins. The game ends as soon as one of the flags arrives in the other camp or when the time limit of 50 minutes ran out.", explained Miss Starlight to us.

Then my group was looking for a suitable place for our flag. Our hiding place was close by the skate park in the end. Our flag was surrounded by several bushes and trees. Our plan was to put up two defensive rings and the rest of the students would try to snag the opponents flag. We would split up in two more groups, one which deals with the defence of our opponents, while the other group tries to steal the flag. The three groups were decided pretty soon. Felix and Ken were with 23 other students in the defence group, Yami and Minx were with 18 other students in the distraction group and Cry and I were with three other students in the stealth group. A few minutes later we heard a whistle being blown and we were ready to go. Our defenders stood on their positions, the distraction group stormed off to find the hiding place and to stop the enemy troops from coming to close to our camp.

Meanwhile my group tried to sneak up to the hiding place of our opponents and to enter it to get the flag in a moment of surprise. Quickly and skilfully we sprinted over the school grounds and in order to not be discovered we stayed in shady areas. As soon as we saw someone from the opposing team, we hid were we could. After a few minutes we reach the base of the other group. They had set up their hideout near the swimming pool. Cry, the other three students and I were hiding behind one of the hedges and were spying on the defence of our opponents. The flag was surrounded by 12 students. We five alone were unable to win in a fight against that many enemies, also because we had no element of surprise on our side. Luckily I heard Minx, Yami and a couple of other students of our group storm towards our direction.

In the next few seconds the defence ring almost completely fell apart to try to stop our allies. My group immediately started to move and we snuck behind our enemies. Now only five students were around the flag and we were able to defeat them under a minute. Our friends also managed to knock the rest of the defence out cold. Satisfied I ripped the blue flag off from the pole and we all ran back to our base. On the way there we were unfortunately caught in a fight between our group and our opponents, which immediately noticed that we had their flag. A fierce battle over the blue flag broke out. My friends and allies tried to protect me and to open a clear path for me at the same time. To get faster to our hideout I summoned my hover-board and stormed away from the battle field.

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