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"oh, shit! not again!"


a group of crackhead teenagers who simply had nothing else to do with their lives decided to have a vlogging channel on youtube. they all suffer from minor disorders and talking to each other makes them feel like they don't have a disorder.

hi! it's my first time writing an apply fic! honestly, it's been in my drafts for like a couple of months. anyways i published it when i saw one of my friends, jay published her applyfic.
i hope this is somewhat decent and not shitty. i know my writing sucks, no need to tell me. anyways thank you, if you are, going to apply!

hello hello, 2023 leigh here! i know this applyfic was discontinued but i've grown to like the story plot and would like to pick up from where we left off. so, enjoy, VLOGs!



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