CHAPTER 14 - Let your guard down

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 “Come here and wrap your arms around me then.”

 “...Aren’t you tired of always being cautious around everyone? Because, honestly, I am. And I’d rather have myself killed than never have lived at all...”

 “It’s ok. I trust you. Now can I have a hug?”

Her words echoed in his mind, eventually succeeding him to jump the gun to insanity – he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. And although he could not see, he felt her smile along with the incredible warmth that they were then exchanging.

Although his sand was still enveloping her body as a testament of his loyalty to himself to never let his guard down, they stayed in that trance of an embrace for a while. He inhaled her scent and, instead of the intoxicating smell of blood and fear, she had a comforting fragrance of lavender and sweet berries. She excited his senses in an entirely foreign manner but he found it inexplicably pacifying.

 “You smell nice too.” She reassuringly whispered in his ear as she whiffed his fresh musky scent.

 “Caspian, I’m just going to shift in a more comfortable position, I hope you don’t mind.”  Eve shifted her legs so that it would be perpendicular to his, and she wrapped her arms around his waist instead of his neck before finally rested her head on her chest.

 Being in such an intimate position made Caspian feel utterly weird for it stirred up such foreign emotions – bordering on eerie – within him, yet he felt something that can only be described as ‘peaceful’ being that close to her. He could find the words to explain how strange the feeling of being peaceful was. No, it was more than strange and odd, it was unusually bizarre – peacefulness.

 Basking in the uncanny feelings of peace and comfort between then, Eve fell asleep snuggled in Caspian’s seemingly protective embrace. And as she dozed off to serene slumber, she allowed the last of her defences to go down.

 Serenity seemed to dissipate upon sensing what she has done. Caspian panicked as to how frail she allowed herself to be. It was beyond his understanding – why she could do such a thing. He could kill her there and no one would even know for he could throw her in the flowing waters that would melt her corpse away. In an attempt to make her put her guard back up, he tried tightening his sand around her legs but he could not even bring himself to hurt her. It was as if an overwhelming sense of wanting to protect her came over him. As she snuggled comfortably to his chest, he tightened his arms around her body instead, and hesitantly caressed her smooth golden locks.

 Everything about her sparked his interest. She was the strangest creature – fragile in his arms but deadly anywhere else. He liked that she did not show weakness to anyone other than him. It made him feel important. She roused in him feelings of warmth and tenderness that he never thought he had in him. It felt nauseatingly foreign but he liked it. Although never letting his physical guard down, for the first time in his life, he consciously allowed himself to yield to what humans call ‘fondness,’  if not the creepy concept of affection.


PS: The last few chapters have been more romantic than action-packed. Well, say no more because in the upcoming chapters, there will be no more sappiness [if that's even a word. LOL]. Thank you for everyone who read, commented and/or voted my works :) I'm not really a romantic person so I could say I'll be enjoying the next few chapters more. Time to kick some behinds. HA!

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