CHAPTER 9 - Far Worse Than Death

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This was the moment she was waiting for. She normally dreaded fighting for the sake of it, but when memories of their unfavourable encounters reminded her of all the reasons why her hands itched to strangle him. Yes, she feared for her nightmares to become reality, but when it involved Ares, she had to be honest to herself - she was excited to show him fear, to teach him respect, and to humble him down to know his place. “You’re going down, bitch.”

‘Damn it!’

 Eve mentally cursed as she dodged his Nth weapon attacking him. How many weapons, or arsenals he has unleashed, she lost count. But what she was aware of was that their fight has lasted longer than what they both expected. She now realised why he conducted himself in such a pompous manner and why he spoke like he owned the world. Eve mentally reprimanded herself for giving credit to the arrogant bastard who forced her to showcase the expanse of her powers more than her liking. Once, it was only her teammates who knew of her gift of fire, but now, the entire world knew that she was a cursed creature. ‘Let them think what they want to think,’ she thought, and focused her energy in making her fire hotter – hot enough to melt Ares’ weapons.

The look on Ares’ face when she burst in flames was priceless to her. He thought she was out of tricks when Erin poured out a storm from the moment the battle started, revealing her energy threads all over the place. Ares though he had her tactics figured out and was overconfident that the armour of blades he contoured around himself would be enough defence and offense against her. He mentally rejoiced when he easily cut through her energy threads and was sure of his victory when he forged an arsenal hell-bent on attacking her in all directions. Just when he thought the victory was his, she burst into flames, softening all his weapons, but not hot enough to completely melt them.

He could not even utter a single curse, and was just as silent as the stunned crowd. For just a split second of being caught off guard, his armour would’ve melted if her balls of fire hit him. His eyes popped out upon witnessing the explosions each fire ball made upon hitting a solid object. Refusing fear to creep in, he focused on dodging her attack by her arsenals, and in doing so noticed that her flames were not hot enough to melt his defence. His mind dwindled to the possibility that Erin’s storm weaken the intensity of Eve’s flames. Another fire ball threatened to soften his iron armour of blades. Both of them knew that the fight would only be over when one of them loses energy, and the thought of a long dreadful monotonous battle made them wince.

Knowing from experience than the ‘blasted bitch’ had a solid mind block, the only thing Erin’s storm was good for was controlling Eve’s flames from raging. Knowing Eve’s weakness in martial combat, Ares forced himself to think of the best strategy to get near her without getting burned – the chances of which were slimmer than a strand of hair. His groan of frustration and despair was replaced with a sheepish grin upon realising that fireballs the he dodged to the ground weren’t exploding anymore. Seeing it as a chance to finally claim his victory, he mustered up all his energy to wield his deadliest arsenal, completely disregarding that the battle was not a death match.


 Everyone gasped in horror upon seeing their first image after recovering their vision post the brightest light that suddenly exploded from the middle of the battle field. It all happened too fast. Eve stood utterly stunned as the last few moments of battle flashed through her mind. Faking loss of energy, she successfully tricked Ares to muster up his remaining strength for a final attack, although she did not expect such a lethal arsenal to come hurling towards her in every angle. All she could remember was cursing Ares for realising he intended to kill her, and the next thing she knew, lightning erupted from the skies, hitting her instead of Ares. And when she opened her eyes, Ares’ seemingly lifeless body was splattered across the end of the farthest end of the battleground.

The rain stopped, and Erin immediately rushed to Ares along with all the other healers in Chamael. Amidst all the commotion, Eve remained glued to her spot, unable to move, still in shock at what happened. Still with a petrified expression on her face, she mentally recollected that the failure of Zen’s aim should’ve cost them her life – she could still feel the lightning current hit her with such intensity, only to burst out of her body like her flames. But instead of taking her life, the raw, untamed electricity tripled up by her energy and all the metal that collided onto her energy shield zapped uncontrollably out of her body, murdering Ares viciously.


“Ares!” she exclaimed with a shudder upon realising what she had done. She immediately rushed to her fallen arch nemesis, shoving away everyone who blocked her path. The Osiris prepared to intervene but halted on Chloe’s signal, reassuring them that the entire arena was disarmed and only energy used for healing would remain.

Eve gasped at the seemingly lifeless body that lay down before her. Too engrossed in shock of what she has done, she was not even aware of the disgusted and horrified looks the female young healers were shoving to her direction. Staring at Ares’ badly burnt right arm, she felt the compulsion to use her remaining energy to regenerate what she had accidentally destroyed, possibly beyond repair. As if she read her thoughts, Clemence intently eyed her while shaking her head to remind her of the irreparable repercussions of such an impulsive decision.


‘No one should know about this.’ Eve mentally recalled Clemence’s warning, stating the appalling reasons for the statement – “For if the enemy finds out you have the power of regeneration, I assure you will not find rest until he extracts every bit of power from your being. You once told me there are far worse things than death. This one’s the worst.”

Before Eve could even shudder, a pair of powerful hands seized her arms and pilfered her to oblivion.

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