CHAPTER 10 - Wretched Council

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 “Mind block, energy threads, potions, healing, yielding fire from nothing. What else can you do?” He interrogated with a condescending threat in his tone.

 Eve stared at the brawny man who kidnapped her and brought her to face the Council, only to be interrogated like she was a traitor, except she was not tied up nor tortured. But she’d rather the latter than the contemptuous ogling that she was experiencing. Viktor has always talked about the Council with respect yet portraying them with the power of contentious life and death, and it intrigued her that she was not able to see them in the flesh despite being the granddaughter of the Headmaster of Neshamal. Now she was face to face with all of them, seemingly trying to embody the holy Heraldry of Circa – not that anyone alive has seen them.

She giggled to herself upon realising that she could not recognise any of them – a testament to her naiveté, reminding her to explore the world more. All she could decipher were the emblems of the four kingdoms, and she stiffened when it dawned to her that the Council was made up of the royalties – considered the wisest, most powerful and influential men in Chamael.

“None else that I know of... but I shall let you know of any other discoveries.” She answered as she bowed in respect.

 “How about removing your mind block?” ordered her abductor who stared at her with piercing sapphire eyes, more intense than that of Caspian’s.

 “I wish I could so I wouldn’t have to blatantly tell you to mind your own business.” She retorted in pure reflex – one of the things she hates the most is being ordered around in front of a crowd, especially by a pompous  stranger just because he has muscles looking like they’re about to burst. It did not help one bit that he managed to touch her before she even saw his face, and before he even abducted her to face an interrogation in front of the council. No, it just made her blood boil worse than how it was with Ares.

 “So you’re saying, it is involuntary?” he continued to interrogate her, dropping a warning, “Are you aware of the implications of your claims?”

Eve furrowed her brows in frustration, hating herself for absent-mindedly retorting the truth, thinking he could trust the Council.  The memory of Viktor’s warning to her when he first confronted her about the topic nagged her mind. “When someone asks you to remove your mind block. Just say no. Do not admit to anyone that you do not hold the ability to remove it.”

Mentally cussing herself for the major mistake, it dawned to her that she spent her life following what Viktor says without questioning anything. She assumed it was for her protection, but now confronted by the Council about answers that she herself does not know about bothered her beyond reason, on top of the bitterness that finally managed to creep out of repression towards the man to whom she vowed all loyalty to. Itching to know the truth without incriminating herself, she decided that the only way out was to put the blame on the man who she suspected had the most number of secrets in Neshamal.

 “I cannot remove my mind block due to the absolute instructions of my grandfather. I understand that the Council holds more power than him, but I do not want to violate the harmony of my relationship to the only living family that I know about.”

“Summon Viktor.”

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