CHAPTER 6 - Broken Shrouds

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 ‘No weaknesses, damn it!’ Hunter though as he continued to scan Caspian’s solid fortress of sand moulded around his body like second skin, while the rest of the sand ferociously pouncing to permanently disable him. If it weren’t for his speed and superior dodging skills, Hunter knew he would’ve been half-dead by now, considering Caspian’s heartless reputation of killing for the fun of it.


Time for plan B. With a wave of his hand, ice enveloped him while a storm of ice spears swathed the entire battlefield. How Anja managed to do it under the scorching summer heat, nobody knows. Then a glimmer of hope for Hunter sparkled in Caspian’s face, and in a split second, Hunter’s vicious fists collided with Caspian’s jaw with a force so strong it seemingly thundered amidst the eerie silence that suddenly enveloped the crowd. The tanned brawn was equally silenced when cracks appeared across Caspian’s poker face. Sensing no movement from the now muddied sand, Hunter lunged for his finishing blow, only to feel repeated stabbing pains through his now paralysed legs.


“AHHHHH!!!” shrieked Hunter with his entire half body shrouded in muddied sand sturdier than any rock.

 Before another word was spoken, everyone was disarmed and Hunter’s body flopped down the ground, with his most agile legs bloodied and broken seemingly beyond repair. Anja rushed to her now unconscious cousin and started healing him while Clemence, the mistress of healing, arrived to immediately take over. Chloe, as a referee, stood in between Caspian with a broken porcelain face, and the crowd of healers attempting to save Hunter. Maintaining her control over disarming everyone while watching the broken pieces of Caspian’s face fall off, Chloe put an end to the battle round and announced:

 “Caspian [Priss] vs Hunter [Anja] – Caspian wins.”


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