CHAPTER 8 - Strangest Creature

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“I want you to let me heal you." she fearlessly stated as she reached out her hand to touch his face.

Sand quickly snaked around her arms down to her legs, warning her of the horrible things that he could do if she dared betray him. Unfazed, she took a step closer to him, invading his personal space, provoking him to tighten the grasp of his sand around her body as if to crush her. She remained calm, with energy threads woven tightly around her body, protecting her from any attack. She continued to gaze into his eyes, unknowingly leading him to tighten the vice-like grip of the sand over her even more. There was something in the way that she looked at him; he could not explain why, but it moved him. There was no fear, no contempt, nothing that he was familiar with in her gaze. Instead he felt relief, vitality, and a refreshed feeling creep into his bones as his fortress of sand held her captive. He suddenly realised that all that time, she was healing him by transferring her energy to him through his weapon of destruction.

“Let me.” she said softly, and reassured, “I give to you freely."

Miraculously, he loosened the grip of his sand fortress but did not dare remove its hold of her, cautious of letting his defences go down completely for anyone, not even for himself. Not minding the deathly stronghold wrapped around her, she reached out to touch his shattered face – and the pieces slowly melted to reveal his true face. Expecting her to be horrified, his instincts urged him to turn away but his curiosity was stronger, keeping him still.

“Now why would you hide such a beautiful face?"

He was completely scandalized at her compliment. ‘Did she just refer to me as beautiful?' So used to being called a monster, it became his reality. Everything that she did, everything that she said was so unreal.

In attempt to threaten her, he suddenly yanked her closer to him as his sand tightened around her tiny waist. But the warmth of her body pressed against him made him wince instead. Raised to kill, he never had someone alive come this close to him, and her warm body felt like it was burning a hole through him. It was the strangest encounter that he ever had with anyone in his entire life, and just when thought it couldn't get any stranger than an ethereal beauty smiling at him and touching his bare skin – she giggled.

He glared at her in confusion, not knowing if she was ridiculing him, but not even entertaining the thought that she might be enjoying his company.

“Thank you."

Caspian looked at her with a painfully confused expression in his piercing emerald eyes, as if trying to scrutinize her sincerity – a completely foreign concept to him.

“Thank you for sharing your time with me – for allowing me to see this wonderful side of you. Kill me if you want, but I would not regret being this close to you. To someone who understands my struggles, and my pain. Thank you, Caspian. I hope I make you feel better too. Friendship might be a foreign word to you, but if you get tired of solitude, you know where to find me."

With those words uttered, still smiling at him with moving sincerity, she vanished into thin air – leaving him utterly bewildered, and feeling profoundly strange.

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