CHAPTER 11 - Tree of Life

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 No rustling, no movement, and no sign given away that he was coming in for the kill. Raised to finish the job with stealth and precision as to how his king - uncle and adoptive father - instructs, he never failed to deliver.

“How'd you find me here, Caspian?"

Her knowing question stopped him in his tracks, while he wondered to himself what gave away his arrival.

 As if she read his mind, she stated, “Relax. You're, by far, the best one in stealth in our generation. It's not you, it's just me - I'm wired to know who enters my parameters. More like within 6feet radius for now. Not yet wide enough but pretty effective, huh?"

He nonchalantly shrugged, not wanting to admit her ability as a reflection of weakness in his skills. “I have more than triple as my killing range."

 “Quit being such a show off and come here beside me already. You can kill me later if you want to but right now, I need you to be by my side as you are."

Caspian could not decipher what he felt exactly on hearing those words - it was like being utterly stunned, baffled, flabbergasted? All he ever associated the word 'need' to is killing or something more sinister, but never in relation to being needed the way she implied. More so, her acceptance of him made him question who he really was to her. Years of being considered a heartless monster has convinced him that it was his identity. Yet she spoke to him with appreciation of his value beyond his skill and known purpose.

“Caspian?" she called tenderly, and with concern enquired, "Are you ok?"

 He did not respond, for he himself did not know the answer. But he made his way closer to her, and the sight of her smiling at him while patting the space next to her as a gesture of welcoming him seemingly made the weeping willow towering above her bloom into life.

“It's beautiful here, isn't it?" she asked assuredly as she looked at the cascade of leaves seemingly showering over them. Remembering the awe she felt when the wonders of this place revealed themselves to her, she interpreted Caspian's staring as an affirmation that he sees what she does.

“Would you believe this is considered the deadliest place in Neshamal? The only place where the running waters is hotter than fire, where every flower is poisonous and every blade of grass cuts like a double-edged sword, and where the air you breath takes your sanity.”

Wide eyed in shock, sand instinctively covered his nose and mouth. She giggled reassured, “But you’re safe now.”

 “This is the secret of this heavenly place. This willow tree is the safest place in Neshamal. All of the curses binding the perimeter are disarmed under this tree. That’s why I called you to be here with me. It would be a shame to lose such a special man like you – this tree of life bears witness to it.”

 Confusion ran amuck Caspian’s head – clearly he could not handle so much appreciation in one day. Her words were so foreign, and he wanted to ask for an explanation as to how she can come up with such ideas about a man she does not even know. But before he could protest, she explained to him:

 “The tree of life and death only reveals life to special people – those destined for a great, noble purpose. But to the rest of the world, instead of the blooming splendour we see, they see a haunted tree deadlier than any of the things around them. But the irony is that nobody comes out of here unharmed unless they see the weeping willow in bloom & find refuge in it.”

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