CHAPTER 7 - Unreal Revelations

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Dragging his legs to maintain his balance, he trudged sneakily towards to medic wing to finished what he started - no one breaks his sand shroud and gets away with it not permanently debilitated. The fact that he was not allowed to kill him did not bother him at all anymore; after all, he thought to himself, ‘There are far worse things than death.’

Going through his mental arsenal of horrible things that he could do to Hunter, a grin slowly escaped his lips under the broken face that was once an unbreakable shroud of sand. But the moment when Hunter spotted his few seconds of weakness when Anja's ice spears melted over his sand, making them a bit slower and needing more energy usage to respond made his blood boil. He thought to himself, 'Did he really think I could be defeated by such petty tricks? My curse has been tested and honed through time & endurance of a lifetime of ridicule and suffering. And soon I shall reach perfection of its control - no moments of weakness, no room for error.'  He clenched his fists in frustration at the thought of possible defeat. No, he would not let anyone have a chance to ridicule his identity - he was born to kill and conquer, and he believed that in perfecting his curse, he will find peace knowing no one could hurt him anymore.


 An unfamiliar voice with an unexpected hint of concern stopped him in his tracks. "You may be one of the best warriors of our generation but in your current state, and the current number of Osiris in this place, I'm afraid you'll get yourself killed if you pull off anything funny. Worse than that, you'll lose the prize of your labour."

There was something in the way she said those words that moved his logic while appealing to an elusive aspect of his being. Turning to the brave soul who dared speak to him unlike the rest who cowered in silence, he was taken aback by the look on her face. Still with the broken shroud across his face, he expected a horrified response or a look of disgust, yet she looked at him with concern – a response that was very foreign to him. Interpreting it as pity, his temper flared up and threatened her to leave him alone. Yet she remained unfazed and said, “I am not here because I pity you or because you need my help. I am here because I am pissed that everyone else is fussing about Hunter that they forgot that you are injured too. I figured Erin is too scared to even come near you so I took it upon myself to at least check on you."

“So you're here to tell me that I don't scare you? Isn't that foolish of you?” he mocked with amusement.

 “What you do scares me. But you don't. Seeing what you do reminds me of the part of me that I'm running away from, but I'm not succeeding in any way.”

 “What does the granddaughter of the headmaster of Neshamal know about what I do, what I am, and what I've been through? Did you want me to show you what pain, ridicule, and emptiness feels like? It will be my pleasure.”

 “Granddaughter of the headmaster of Neshamal? I don't even know if that's true.”

“You're a strange little creature. You do know what I can do with this information.”

 “I don't care what you do with it,” she flatly stated, and added, “because honestly, I'm just happy to have found someone who understands.”

He was taken aback by her lack of inhibition, yet it seemed like she did not lose control at all, even when she continued to confess, “I don't have any recollection of my past. All I know is what I've been told by Viktor. I don't know where I'm from, why I'm alive, and who I am supposed to be. They raised me as a warrior and a healer and yet when the moon is full, I'm repeatedly haunted by nightmares of faceless bloody people screaming for mercy, for me to end their torment that I may or may not have caused. And the worse thing was, in my dreams, I found pleasure in their torment.”

His shocked expression was hidden by his broken face shroud. He was in deep thought if her confessions were real or if her purpose was to deceive him. She was a puzzle to him for she said things that were unreal but the expression on her face and the manner of which she poured her heart out all pointed to honesty. ‘If this was all real,’ he thought to himself, ‘how come she did not turn out like me?’

As if she read his mind, she confessed, “I'm scared for that to be my reality, that's why I kill as quick and painless as possible. Sometimes I wonder if that's secretly what I was raised for - to be a heartless weapon of destruction. But even so, I refuse for anyone or anything - not my past, future nor fate - to dictate what and who I want to be. Life is what we make it to be, Caspian. Happiness is a choice and so is misery.”

“You have deep, strange thoughts, little golden creature. But the way I see it, you are lucky to not remember anything. Tell me, before I torment you slowly, what is it that you want from me apart from my time that you just wasted?" he retorted to hide his amusement while tauntingly walking closer to her.

“I want you to let me heal you."

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