CHAPTER 3 - Snide Quickies

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 Her unscathed agile form towered over his paralysed body the dropped to the ground in front of her. Quick, painless, with just a snap of her finger was how she liked her victory – no blood, no drama, no one dies unless necessary. Still in shock from his 3-second battle lost, her golden locks brushed his cheeks as she whispered to his ebony ears that body movement will return in 5 minutes. The 6th and last warrior to compete in the grand battle rounds was announced.

 “Eve versus Novak. Eve wins.”

                “Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you the winners of the elimination battle rounds!” Chloe announced in excitement.

 The crowd cheered with such animosity that the ground was seemingly shaken. All of the winning warriors were rounded up in the arena as a replay of the battles won for the past 3 days flashed across the sky.

 Caspian vs Bella

 Hunter vs Zen

 Scorpius vs Erin

 Tomic vs Priss

 Ares vs Anja

 Eve vs Novak

 “If you only knew how to have fun in battle, they would’ve cheered you on like this.”

                 Eve glared back at the blonde boy who invaded her personal space, much more fuelling her dislike of him. She spat back venomously, “Not everyone is an attention-seeking whore like you, Ares.”

                 Before he could even retort against the sniggers that followed the insult, the brunette beside him remarked, “Nice one, Eve.”

             “Shut up, geek.”

            Completely ignoring Ares’ attempt of an insult, she exclaimed, “Thanks, Tomic. He’s just being a sore loser because you reminded him of how useless his annoying lady love is in real battle.”

                “I bet you’re as boring in bed as you are in the battlefield.”

Before Eve could even snap back at Ares, Tomic stomped him down when he blurted out – “Like you’ll even have the chance to find out.”

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