"Latham should be here," Paulina said, thinking of him.

Mona knew she was right. Latham and Lucian were best friends. "I know. I called him. He was a great distance and should be here in the next hour." Despite how they ended their last conversation, Mona knew he had every right to know about this. She would have to talk to him eventually.

The coffin was about seven feet long and wide enough to fit to Lucian's inside. It's grey stone build looked strong enough to withstand a drop twenty feet high without cracking. There were carvings.

"Is there another vampire in their with him? Why so big," Mona asked, cheerful and ready to open it.

Rebekah snorted. "He thought he'd look cooler and more important once he was brought back up, in front of everyone's viewing eyes." She stepped forward and put her hand on top of Lucian's coffin. "Do not touch him, until he is able to make eye contact first. He will need to feed right away." She nodded to Cameron who left and a minute later came back with a chest. Ice was inside. They could hear it crashing against the inner tube of the chest. She opened it, several pints of blood worth. She pulled out a syringe and a few other things, setting it up on a table.

"Doesn't he need fresh warm blood first?" Zara asked, eager.

The Monarch nodded. "I was going to have-"

"I will do it," Zara cut her off. "I will feed him." There was no room to argue.

"Find by me." The Monarch used her vampire strength to lift the top off of the coffin, light flicks of dust floating off. A loud thump made no distraction to everyone's eyes on the coffin. It stood four feet high. Taking a few steps, everyone looked inside.

Zara gasped. The preservation of Lucian's appearance was impeccable. It looked as if he'd been in hibernation for a few hours. The darkness of his brow, and light brown hair still perfectly groomed. His hair pulled back into a ponytail, keeping his profound cheekbones exposed. His hands rested over his waist, fingers linked.

"Now," The Monarch sneered, snatching everyone from their daydream. "He needs blood immediately or his skin will begin to rot in the next minute.

Moving fast, Zara moved closer. Her eyes lingered on him a second longer than bit into her wrist and held it over his mouth. Everyone's eyes were heavy on her blood as a few drop landed on his lips. Soon it began to pool over his mouth and Zara hoped some slipped through. Waiting was excruciating. What if it didn't work? What if they woke him too soon? No. Zara couldn't lose him again when she was this close to him.

"He's going to wake," Mona hissed, also panicked by his lack of motion.

Maia looked up to Zara giving her a reassuring nod. "Maybe, bring your wrist to his lips."

"No," The Monarch hissed. "He has to be guided out of his slumber. Not forced."

"We don't have time for this," Zara snarled, keeping her wrist steady over Lucian's mouth.

The Monarch glared at Zara in warning. "Yes, we do. I know the way of how things work You don't. Now do as I say or leave."

"Try and make me," Zara snarled.

Mona pinched the bridge of her nose. She'd gone too many years without her Sire, living the least amount of years with him. A few decades was nothing to a Sire and progeny. "Enough. Let's stop foostering around with whining. Do as Rebekah says. She don't be telling you the ways of werewolves, does she?" Zara snarled but said nothing. "And be patient with the werewolves. You know Lucian would have a fit if you kicked his mate out."

Rebekah scowled but said nothing too.

"Look," Maia rushed out. Through all their arguing, her eyes been the only one watching closely.

Mouth's opened when they noticed Lucian, licking his lips. He was too weak to move but his mouth opened, fangs exposed. Eyes still closed. Everyone looked to The Monarch. She nodded. "Now, bring her wrist to his mouth."

Zara did so, wanting to run her fingers through his hair. Brush her lips against his flesh. One thing at a time. When his fangs connected Zara's wrist, for this time in over two decades, Zara cried hard and long.



The night seemed to drag out. Kaliska was unable to let go of her dead mother. For over an hour she sat cradling her mom, willing her to come back to life. Kaliska considered. Calling out, Kaliska demanded the Dark Fae show herself. No one came. She was left in this open space with dead bodies, one of them her adoptive mother. "I can still turn her. If I drained her. I can turn her." Kaliska nodded to herself, biting her wrist and pressing it hard against her mothers mouth.

Several minutes of repetitively biting her wrist done nothing. Kaliska reminded herself it would take a whole new night before her mom could awake. "I'll save you," she cried. The hard floor didn't bother Kaliska at all. She studied her moms facing, hoping she'd open her eyes and this be a whole misunderstanding.

All she had was her thoughts. Staring down at the other women she'd murdered Kaliska shook her head. "I'm fooling myself, aren't I?" she asked to the Dark Fae who seemed to be disinterested in answering questions. Kaliska knew, even if she was able to turn her mom, it was too late. And beside. Her mom would never want the life of a vampire or werewolf. Which ever she'd get. Her adoptive mom would recent her and that could last for centuries. And her father, he would rather have a dead wife than a vampire. "Why couldn't you just stay put and trust the people in my life?" Kaliska shook her mom hard. She wanted to scream but knew the Dark Fae was listening and would probably laugh over a cup of blood.

Another hour came when two darklighters walked in. They began taking the bodies away. When they eyed Kaliska's mother, she snarled savagely.

"Back off, hybrid. My master wants her body." The darklighter swung his sword in her face.

"You touch her. I'll kill you." Kaliska's fangs descended. "I swear it."

Both the darklighters looked more annoyed than intimidated or scared. They moved to take her moms body when she lunge to protect her.

An arrow flung into her chest and Kaliska flew back onto her back, gasping for a breath. She pressed her fingers around the arrow, yanking it out and tossed it. The darklighters grabbed her moms body and despite the pain she went at them again. This time she made contact with one of them. Forgetting how tainted their blood was, Kaliska bit into the darklighters neck, ripping out his flesh with her bare teeth. The darklighter shouted in agony but continued to fight as the other tried to help.

Another arrow caught in between her shoulder blades. Kaliska roared but continued to fight. Cold hands gripped around the back of her neck. Kaliska's body slacked as if she'd suddenly became paralyzed from the neck down.

The Dark Fae stood over Kaliska, after she dropped her. "Your mother body belongs with me now. I will certainly treat her better than you have."

Kaliska wanted to growl It sink her teeth into her neck. To kill all of them. This feeling was new to Kaliska. The need to kill strong, keeping her alive.

"Take my guest into my chambers I will get hungry tonight and need to keep her close." She smiled greedily and twirled her fingers in a bye gesture as Kaliska was carried off.


Don't worry! Next Chapter will be all about Lucian!

Blue Moon~ Blackwater Series 3Where stories live. Discover now