Final Warning

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Don yanked on the door knob, "Kelly... your scaring me."

Kelly sniffled and kicked the leg under the bed.

"hold on." she muttered clearing her throat. she opened the door, Don hugged her right away. Kelly rested her head on his shoulder. she blinked, and felt warm blood drip down her cheek. "something's wrong with me. something's happening. I'm gonna die." Kelly cried gripping dons back.

"you took the shot didn't you."

"I didn't know it was gonna do this to me! I'm bleeding aren't I? " Kelly cried.

"yeah. you are. Kelly... we need to take you to the hospital."

"there's no fucking hospital in sight Don what am I gonna do!?"

"you need to tell me what the fuck happened."

"something is trying to get out of me. its gonna come out and its some kind of alien shit its not safe here Don you need to leave and make sure nothing happens to anyone else." Kelly said with her knees wobbling about to fall.

"what the fuck are you saying Kelly I don't understand."

"You told me to tell you everything AND I FUCKING TOLD YOU EVERYTHING." Kelly shrieked.

Don was beginning to feel fear. he gripped kellys wrists, keeping her from falling.

"were gonna get you to a hospital. and were gonna find out what the hell you took."

"Don is she okay?" Kristine asked walking in.

"Kristine get out!" Don gasped and shut the door in her face. Kristine stepped away quickly. "MONICA. IRENE. COME HERE." she cried.

"Don... help! its coming. I'm gonna throw up." Kelly cried.

"hold it together Kelly." he said sitting her on the bed.

"your hallucinating. and I can't have you freaking everyone else out."

"then get me the fuck out of here." Kelly said breathing heavily and holding her stomach.

"just stay here. your hysterical Kelly."

"if I'm hysterical check under the bed!" Kelly snapped. Don slowly loosened his grip on her wrists. she sat on the bed crossing her arms and shivering.

Don grabbed the loose bed spread, kneeled down before him and threw it up over the mattress. he rested his palms on the wooden floor, and slowly craned his neck to bottom of the bed. he rested his head on the floor staring at its emptiness. "there's nothing under here." he exclaimed. Kelly dropped her jaw in utter shock.

"I had no idea Kelly was an addict." Monica said resting herself against the wall in her gossiping position.

"I knew that bitch was crazy Monica. I even did some snooping one time just because I thought she was one."

"you obviously didn't do any good searching." Monica whispered back.

"she probably flushed it down before I could even come in."

"will you two stop talking that shit and ask Don if she can come out for dinner?" Kristine exclaimed.

"sorry." both Monica and Irene apologized as they walked down the hall.

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