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Kristine leaned against the door of the 3rd room, it didn't have a view like the others but it was decorated nicer.

ian was inside of folding clothes and putting them under the bed.

"Need any help?" she asked afar.

he put her attention on her instead of folding his sweater.

"no, I like to be the only one folding my underwear."

"well excuse me sir." Kristine laughed and left the room. she turned back to hall but bumped into Monica.

"Monica you scared me!" Kristine exclaimed almost falling on the rug on top of the wooden floor.

"its almost time for dinner, Don wants to barbacue some hamburgers." Monica said off topic.

"that's fine?"

"isn't ian a vegan?"

"not if he was all up in that fishy fishy." Irene joked while passing by and smacked Kristine's butt on the way to Kristine's room.

Kristine's mouth dropped to the floor and scoffed. Monica was holding in a laugh,

"I think its a meeting," Monica said walking into Kristine's room. Kristine followed.

"shut the door." Irene waved while bouncing her knees on the bed.

as Kristine followed Irene patted the bed for Monica to sit beside her.

"what's all this about?" Monica asked sitting down.

"we need some private girl talk before were all caught up with our baes."

"baes? are we in 9th grade Irene?" Monica laughed.

"whatever I'm with it, what's up?"

"I can tell Kelly is gonna be a prissy little snob this whole weekend." Irene blurted out.

"it was one problem Irene I wouldn't wanna sleep in that bed either."

"no but it did it for me I'm just so done with her already."

"Im the one that isn't supposed to like her." Kristine said sitting down.

Irene rolled her eyes.

"anyway. congrats Monica. I totally knew you were pregnant the minute you didn't order that fish special you always get at Wahoos."

"the last time I ate that I had diarrhea trust me its not because of the baby." Monica assured.

"But thank you." she added.

"back to the barbacue." Kristine said.

"If You Want I can whip up a salad."

"'whip up a salad?' what is there to whip up just slap a lettuce on his plate and there." Irene said.

"I don't want him to feel different about it. I think we should eat inside the house and keep it simple so he doesn't look odd eating it."

"see babe that's why your a good girlfriend you always think outside the box." Monica said to Kristine.

"dude. what do we tell Kenzie when she comes?"

"she already knows I'm pregnant."

"oh. never mind. when is she coming?"

"probably late. maybe 8 or 9. its a long drive but she's crazy enough." Monica laughed.

"alright. let's go before they get suspicious." Irene said opening the door.

Erin was standing by the door. "awh did I miss the threesome?"

"don't be a pig." Monica growled and rolled her eyes. Kristine and Irene giggled.

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