Symptom 1

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Kelly kneeled over the wooden toilet,groaning in pain.

"what did I just take?" she cried, folding her locks of golden hair behind her ears. she pushed herself up with help from the toilet sides. she looked into the nicely framed mirror, and wiped her tears and rubbed her mouth with her sweater. there was a knock on the door.

"Kelly? you okay in there?" it was Kristen's soft voice.

*ahem* "yeah! I'm alright." she grunted. Kelly opened the door smiling.

"when's dinner?"


"so I hear your planning on popping the question?" Don said sipping on a beer while Brian flipped the burgers. Brian smiled, showing his small dimple and clear teeth. "the walls are paper thin." He muttered,sizzling on the grill.

"Erin told me Its all you've been talking about. honestly I couldn't be happier for you. I don't want you to think otherwise." Don said patting Brian's back.

"Were not kids anymore Don. I just thought its time to start getting serious."

"you don't need the law to make things serious." Don assured.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm not rushing anything either." Brian answered slapping the meat onto a bun.

"you might wanna take that inside. Kristine said were eating in the dining room around 6."

"but its 5:20 and the meats are done." Brian said studying his watch.

Don stared at Irene by the lake throwing pebbles into it.

"your a lucky guy Brian."

Brian stared at Kelly, sitting in a folding chair hugging her knees. she looked like she saw a ghost.

"you too.." Brian muttered.

Kristine was unstacking plates and placed 8 down the large wooden table in the yellow tinted dining room. there was a white sheet over the table, the smallest spill would take weeks to wash off. Kristine walked back through the hall and into the kitchen to grab silver wear.

"Have you been in the lake yet?" Monica said walking in brushing her wet hair with

a towel around her waist.

"no. what's it like?"

"cold." Monica said giggling.

"need any help?" she asked. Kristine studied the forks and knives.

"oh no thanks. you should get dressed its almost time."

"alright." Monica said smiling and walked down the hall.

"Kristine?" ian called.

"yeah ian?"

"Kelly wants to know if you brought aspirin."

"yeah its on top of my luggage I haven't put it away yet." Kristine said pointing to the room.

"sweet." ian smiled and walked down the hall. Kristine grabbed his shoulder.

"what happened to her?"

"what do you mean?"

"I could hear her hurling all the way outside. I hope she didn't catch anything." Kristine worried.

ian smirked. "its just a headache. she looks a bit pale, but I think she's just cold." ian answered going into the room.

Kristine stuck the group of forks onto the table and stormed out and down the porch, walking over to Don who was sitting in a folding chair next to Irene.

"Don, what the hell happened to kelly?"

"what do you mean?"

"you know what I mean." Kristine said staring down his smile.

he sighed. "Kris. she's been 8 months clean. I swear."

"wait. kellys a junkie?" Irene gasped.

"something like that." Kristine muttered crossing her arms.

"I can't have this shit going around the cabin Don. talk to her and get it under control."

"alright alright. I can positively assure you its not the drugs." Don said raising his hands and walking over to Kelly who was by the tall tree shading over her figure.

"Kelly?" Don called.

Kelly sprang off the chair and pushed Don out of the way. she ran up the porch and into the house. she looked around puzzled and panicking. she remembered her luggage was in the dirty room, she sprinted away into the room and shut the door behind her. she gripped her head, something bothering her inside was beginning to surface. Kelly could feel her veins pulsating and her blood rushing to her head. "fuck fuck fuck I'm overdosing." she cried pulling her hair and running her fingers through it. she plunged herself onto the bed. a strange tingle hit her throat, she began to choke. she coughed long and hard before falling on her knees.

"Kelly! open up! don't make a scene just tell me what happened!" Don hushed through the door. Kellys eyes ran all around the room searching for dons voice. the choking wouldn't stop. she put her two fingers in her mouth and searched for the tingling burn. she touched a fuzzy stick in her throat, gripped it and yanked it out of her throat, it was a thin hairy leg shaped thing. "I'm fucking losing it." Kelly cried, leaning against the wall. she rubbed her eyes, the leg thing still there. Kelly realized it wasn't a hallucination. she realized there was something inside her, and she made it angry.

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