Blood Bath

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Kristine sat Monica down on the bed and shut the drapes.

"I don't know if it was such a good idea leaving Erin by himself."

"We need to make sure were fine."

"This is ridiculous though, can you guys just listen to what your saying?"

"Did you not see what happened to Brian."

"What do we even know? What about those things outside." Monica asked.

"Those fuckers aren't getting in." Kristine said checking the drapes, they exploded and a black ball lunged at her, it took out it's claws and started scratching Kristine's face. She grabbed it and slammed it against the wall. Monica screamed and climbed onto the bed kicking the sheets. Kristine crawled away to the hindge of the bed, the thing screamed and ran towards her. Ian stepped on it. Erin kicked the door open, "what's going on?" He screamed.

"ERIN HELP." ian cried out trying to keep his foot on the creatures head. Erin ran forward and stomped on the head, black blood flying all over his pants. Kristine leaned back against the mattress panting.

"Kris go wash off the scratches!" Ian called out.

Kristine nodded and ran out of the room and into the bathroom. She stepped over the broken door and turned on the sink and washed her face. She heard moaning from the shower curtain.

"Monica grab the pillow!" Ian said pinning the creature down, she grabbed it and hurled it over to Erin, he put the pillow over it.

Monica opened the drawer and found an envelope opener.

"USE THIS." she screamed throwing it into Ian's hands. Erin kept the pillow down, ian stabbed the pillow down, blood squirted through the hole.

Kristine quickly swiped the shower curtain, nothing there, she sighed. She pull the shower curtain back and saw Irene in the window. Kristine shrieked and Irene slammed her hand through it and crawled through. Kristine made her way out and tripped on the broken door snapping it in half. Irene picked herself off the floor grabbing a glass shard, she roared demonically at Kristine, Kristine screamed back, "IAN HELP." Ian pulled the knife out and ran towards the bathroom. Irene grabbed Kristine's legs and dragged them back into the bathroom, Irene threw up black ooze all over Kristine's shorts and T-shirt and neck. She quickly covered her face and kicked Irene back hitting the toilet.

Kristine turned on her stomach and crawled away slowly. Ian approached her and pulled her up, blood dripped all over his pants.

"Go back with Monica hurry!"

Kristine ran back into the room.

Ian gripped the letter opener, Irene gripped the toilet coughing ready to lunge again. Ian beat his chest, "cmon bitch. Cmon bitch." Irene roared running out the bathroom towards ian, Don pushed ian out the way and blasted Irene's head with a shotgun, she flew back slamming her body on the floor, blood sprayed across the room staining the floor, her tongue wiggled all around.

"Where'd you get that?" Ian asked.

"The top shelf in the living room." Don answered.

"Monica, go check on ian."

Erin said grabbing ahold of Kristine.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

"My stuffs in Irene's room." Kristine sobbed.

Erin slapped Kristine knocking her back onto the bed.

"You have blood on those clothes." He whispered. Kristine's eyes dazed, she had a hard time focusing.

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