Apartment 403

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"So you talked him into it?" Irene asked, holding her glass of wine Kristine offered.

"we..." Kristine started to say as she walked into her living room.

"no way." Irene gasped as she almost spilled her wine.

Kristine had the guilt look on, even though she regretted nothing.

"babe you were supposed to wait like we planned it!" Irene whined, Kristine sat on her white couch, sighing, "it just sort of happened. I don't think he would have came if I didnt...do that."

"oh he sure came alright." Irene smirked.

Kristine's jaw dropped, but then chuckled throwing her pillow at Irene.

"Kris it sounds to me like he just likes you for the sex."

"thats so not the case. he just needed to get out of his comfort zone."

"well then I want details," Irene said laying the glass on the polished table.

she continued, "what happened AFTER you guys did it."

"um. we got dressed, I left the folder there, and I told him to call me for his final thoughts. and I let him keep my undies."

Irene snorted in laughter "what are you twelve. when are you gonna stop having the hots for emotionally damaged boys."

"And when are you gonna stop having the hots for older men?" Kristine shot back, laughing.

Irene gasped, "Brian is only 26 thats not old. I fucking hope you don't call me hope when I'm that age."

"its over 5 years are you serious? I'm surprised you didn't fuck the professor." Kristine chuckled.

"when are you gonna get out of this place it can barely hold your own weight."

"The furniture's nice and I just love the way I decorated it."

"babe you can find a better apartment that has more than 1 bedroom."

"no forget it, I'm fine working night shift, and I'm not asking my dad for anymore favors. at least not for the rest of the month," Kristine smirked. Irene threw her head back laughing.

"I thought Monica was coming?" Irene asked.

"Yeah, something came up with her sister."

"Something bad?"

"no no she told me she needed to watch her nephew for a couple hours."

"oh, well what about Kelly. We haven't heard from her in awhile."

"What we gotta invite her too? Irene I don't thi-"

"no no, Monica doesn't have to go."

"Irene! thats so fake of you to say."

"well I'm just suggesting."

"I know your still not over the Halloween incident but this trip is to forget all about it."

"How much room do you have anyway."

"the place has 4 bed rooms."

"okay so let's bring Kelly & Donovan. you said you wanted a reunion."

"yeah but me and her never really got along in the first place."

"You litterally just said 'this trip is to forget all about it'."

"Fine. You call her up." Kristine sighed.

"woo! I miss that bitch."

"don't replace me now hoe." Kristine chuckled, handing her the house phone.

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