unORDINARY Me Chapter 3

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Christopher's P. O. V
      2 weeks later

"What is my sons condition doctor? " My dad asked with a concerned face." Well sir, your son has a concussion and he will need to rest for about another week, but he is safe to go home now." The doctor said smiling after he finished his sentence. But it wasn't a normal doctor was a smile that got your skin to crawl and your spine to shiver,something wasn't right about this guy. But since my head felt like my heart right now(throbbing like crazy)I didn't really pay attention to him. I just changed out of my hospital clothes and changed into the new clothes my dad bought me a few days ago."Are we going home now dad?" I said in a frustrated voice. He turned around with tears in his eyes and hugged me with what felt like everything he had."I'm so thankful that didn't lose you too." He said between tears. That made me want to cry. But I couldn't.....I had to be strong...for my dad and for myself.

When we were driving home, we drove past mom's grave...that made me cry but not as much as it did when I found out that I would be motherless for the rest of my days, which didn't seem like much because right once we passed mom's grave, dad started crying, like hard down crying. And it was raining at the time so when he swerved on the road we almost ran into a tree. You would think that I would have a huge reaction to that...but I didnt, honestly...I kinda wanted to die, I just didn't want to feel this pain anymore,this responsibility of having to take care of me and my dad because he wasn't going to take care of himself. It was all to much on a 14 year old boy, I knew it was selfish but at the time it took all I had not to open the car door and jump off the bridge that we were driving past. There was silence for the rest of the car ride home..just the way I liked it.

    Authors note:
Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. And I know the chapters are short, I just don't want to put to much in each chapter so I'm trying to spread it out.
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