Capítulo Diecisiete

Start from the beginning


I run over to it, and just about manage to scramble under when I hear the room door opening.

"Where the fuck did the little bitch go?" Someone snarls, and I instantly recognize the voice as the same man from that room earlier.

Perfect. They know I'm here.

"She can't have gone far. She sure knows how the hell to escape, though," Tall-cake's voice speaks up. I hear a muffled giggle.

"What do you mean? She seemed a bit dumb to me," Short-cake murmurs. I roll my eyes.

Says her.

"If you can punch Dorian and get away with it, you're definitely not dumb," I hear Tall-cake reply to her.

A different growl comes from somewhere.

"I was just unprepared, whatever. The only thing she seemed to damage was my fucking hair."

Dorian. The traitor. I can't wait to see what Arsen's going to do to him. Dorian should be scared shitless right now.

"She was just afraid, Dori," Tall-cake states gently.

"Don't call me Dori," Dorian snarls, and I hear some things being moved around, and then something falling.

"She's not here, boss. Nick might know," The man who called me bitch multiple times before says.

I think Dorian nodded because, after a while, I hear a door opening from my left, and people shuffling through.

I let out a breath.

That was close.

I wait for a while, and when no one comes back, I decide to take my chances and hurriedly run out from under the table.

Bad move, because as soon as I do, the door they went through opens again, causing me to freeze in panic.

Damnit, Xanthe, move your ass.

I can't! I'm paralyzed!

"Where could she have--" Dorian halts when he sees me, and Tall-cake, who was coming in from behind him, bumps into him, letting out a string of curses.

"I'm wearing heels, Dori, it's hard to walk in them, let along crash into someone whilst--what are you even looking at? Some kind of...oh." She stops when she sees me, too.


"So, that's where you were hiding, huh? Under the fucking table! Why do we never look under the most obvious places?" Short-cake says, not even the tiniest bit fazed by the fact that I'm standing here.

Dorian stands there for a while, his eyebrows raised in confusion. 

After a while, when it looks like he's finally snapped out of it, a murderous look clouds his eyes.

"You're going to be locked up in Vicky and Emma's room until I can think about what to do with you," He says calmly, in a very frightening way.

Tall-cake, Vicky, recoils.

"What? Why the hell in our room?!" She screeches. I roll my eyes and fold my arms.

Short-cake, Emma, snorts.

"So we can torture her. Duh?" She says in a bored tone. This makes Vicky a little angrier.

"What do you mean 'so we can torture her'? We're supposed to be using her, not torturing her!" Vicky hisses in Emma's ear. 

Emma, however, doesn't care about her friend's outburst.

"Vick, stop making it so bait. She practically already knew we were gonna use her, so what's the point of even staying low? Besides, torturing her will be fun," Emma shrugs.

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