Steve walks up to the com. He presses a button as he speaks. "Um. Hello? I'm Steve Rog-"

The gate opens and Thor runs to the tall building.

"Guess they like Steve Rogers." Tony giggles out and follows Thor.

"I hate this." Natasha stands close behind Steve as Thor knocks on the door.

They hear shuffling coming from behind the door. And then the door slowly, creaks open.

A petite old woman stands there with a soft smile.

"Well, look at you lads." She peers around Steve to finally see Natasha.

"How rude to stand in front of a woman, come, come!" She waves for Natasha to come inside first. The three boys follow.

"What are you four, youngins looking for? A strip club is actually six blocks away from here." She smiles as Steve's face grows red.

Natasha shakes her head as a smile creeps up onto her face. Thor looks confused, and Tony starts heading for the door.

"I'm only kiddin'!" She lets out a laugh, but it turns into a fit of coughs. She sits gently on a brown leather couch. Tony walks back.

Thor and Steve sit on a couch adjacent to the old woman. Natasha looks at pictures of at least a hundred kids. Tony looks up the stairs that's next to the room they're in.

As the woman's coughing fit dies down she asks a question. "How can I help?"

Thor responds excitedly. "Can we see the children here?"

She nods. "What age?"

"All ages, Miss."

She smiles. "Alright. When you go up the stairs, it's years, one to five. Third floor, 6-10. Fourth floor, 11-15. And our Fifth floor is the 16-19. We only hold up to your last teen year. Then we send you out. If you have any questions, I'll be here."

She sends them a warm smile as they all head up the stairs.

"Let's start from the top, yeah?" Natasha speaks. She's picking at the dirt under her nails.

"Sure." Steve replies.

Thor runs up the stairs and swings the door open.

The rest follow behind.

Twenty-five teens stand before the group.

"Why are there so many?" Tony whispers.

"Thanos must have killed their parents..." Natasha whispers horrified.

"I-It's them..." A girl speaks from the middle of the room. She stands from her sitting spot on the bed. Her face turns red.

"They were the ones who couldn't save us!"

"That's right!"

"Get out of here!"

"Get them!"

"You let him kill them!"

All the teens began to walk towards the group.

"I'm done." Natasha speed walks down the stairs.

"I'm coming." Steve follows her just as fast.

Tony and Thor slam the door closed and run after them to the fourth floor.

"Shouldn't we leave?!" Natasha harshly whispers.

"No! We can't leave yet! We haven't found one!" Thor shouts.

The other three are a bit startled. "We are actually getting one?!" Steve asks confused.

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