Welcome Home, Summerses!

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News of Katie's mom's picture spread quickly - especially once Katie got the copies of the old one - and the newer ones that Katie hadn't seen before. The little girl was so excited to see new pictures, and to share in her friend's similar excitement about her chosen parent, that she was rushing around showing off the picture - skipping from one close friend to the next to share the photos.

It was a good time anyhow. Especially since Jean and Scott had come back from their honeymoon, well rested and glad to be back, honestly. As Katie flitted from Kurt and Peter over to Professor Xavier, Jean took a moment to reach out to Logan. So. Anything new happening?

Logan didn't even look her way though. Nope. Not a thing.

Jean gave him a look for that, but she didn't get to press him on it when Katie rushed over to her with her picture in her hand to show Jean. "Look! That's my mom!" she said, shoving the picture under Jean's nose.

Jean looked surprised for a moment but she hugged Katie with one arm and readjusted the picture so she could see it better. "Scott, look," Jean said. "Katie has a picture of her mom she wants to show us." Mr. Summers ...

Scott smiled and rested his chin on Jean's shoulder. Well, that's not K. This is new.

No kidding, Jean replied, trying hard not to smile at his clear and understated observation. What do you make of it - other than again, she didn't lie to us. "She's very pretty, Katie. Just like you! You have her smile."

Katie giggled. "I'm gonna be just like her when I growed up!"

"Where did you find your pictures, Katie?" Scott asked.

"Miss Nat gaved them to me! Mom asked her to look for pictures and she did because she loves me!" Katie sang out, grinning and almost dancing in place.

Why would she ask her to do that? Jean projected to Scott.

You're the telepath, Jean. I just live here, Scott pointed out with a smirk.

Jean kept her smile in place, kissed Katie's cheek, then promptly turned to pinch Scott's side. You are being terrible, Mr. Summers.

Scott grinned her way and then stole a kiss. Not my fault you're missing the obvious. Just ask Katie what happened. She seems willing to share. He kissed Jean again and then turned to Katie. "Did your mom ask Natasha for more pictures for something special? Like a birthday or something?"

Katie giggled and shook her head. "No, silly! I got a birthday when it's snowy and it's the new year and there's fireworks!" She hugged her picture close. "I showed Mom my picture from my teddy- oh!" She looked wide-eyed. "YOU GOTTA SEE MY TEDDY PICTURE!" She rushed off without any explanation beyond that - leaving a fairly bemused Scott and Jean behind.

"Nothing happened my eye," Jean muttered to Logan.

"Don't know what you're talkin' about. She's always like this," Logan said. "Katie's been enjoying herself. I'm not poppin' that balloon for her just so you can get a gossip fix."

"When we left, she still thought K was her mom," Jean said.

"Be patient, Jeannie. Katie'll explain it," Logan said in a tone that read exactly how impatient he thought she was being. "That's her favorite part."

Jean shook her head at that - but thankfully for her patience, it didn't take long at all before Katie came rushing back downstairs with a picture in a gorgeous silver frame. She thrust it at Scott this time, dancing in place. "Mom found a pretty frame just for my teddy bear picture! Aaaaaand she gave me another one that's a copy of it so I can keep her in my teddy and she's not even mad about it!" She bounced a few times, clearly over the moon about the whole thing. "Cause she loves me too! So I got a new mom like my friends, too!"

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