Trouble In Tokyo

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Logan was listening to the scuttlebutt in Lowtown when Scott made his call - and as it was, he had to head out of the main room of the Princess Bar just to hear what was going on considering that it was wildly fluctuating from raucous party to hushed rumors. "This better be important, Slim," he said as he finally got to a place where both of them could hear the other. "Things're just getting interesting."

"Like I'd call if it wasn't," Scott shot back. "I need you to go to Tokyo."

"Don't know if I can do that," Logan said. "Madripoor's had a little upset of power."

"You're the closest X-Man, and K called in with another kid," Scott said.

"Are you kidding me?" Logan asked in disbelief. "Now?"

"Do I ever kid about something like this?" Scott said.

Logan swore under his breath - and out loud several times as he complained mostly for the sake of complaining about it. "What the hell's the story now?"

"Little girl sold to yakuza by her own father," Scott said, the bite to his tone obvious even over the line.

There was a long silence and it was perfectly clear that Logan was trying to gain his footing from the whiplash. "Where is she?"

"I'll send you the coordinates," Scott said. He paused, then added, "I told K this would be a neutral meetup."

"Yeah, I'm not too worried about trying to catch her, you know that," Logan said, sounding a lot more like himself. "I still don't think she's that high a threat to us. Not really."

"She killed an Avenger, Logan."

"A jackass of an Avenger," Logan replied.

"She keeps getting my number," Scott said.

"Lucky you," Logan said sarcastically.

"It's not funny. I don't know how she's getting into our system, and if she ever decides it's worth it to turn that over to Magneto-"

"She was special ops, Slim. She knows how to get into Stark's lab - if she wanted to give Magneto anything, it'd be done already."

Scott let out a breath of frustration. "I'm not arguing this with you. Just - I'll send you the coordinates."

"Fine. I'll see you when I'm done." Logan snapped his comm closed and then let out a long breath as he waited for the coordinates to come in. He took a moment to let it sink in - and picked up his glass of whiskey to take a long drink just as the comm buzzed with the coordinates.

Logan weighed it all out, and it wasn't long before he was wondering which faction of yakuza this was. Something the X-Men and most of the west didn't realize was that part of the yakuza was so prevalent was because they actually did protect their community. Some of them. And he really didn't know without knowing the names involved which branch this was. They were all crime, but some were less ... awful than others.

With a grumble, Logan headed to his safehouse in Madripoor to drop off a few items - including the eyepatch that was his signature while he was on the island - and took a few moments to grab a healthy amount of cash before he headed to Japan. He lit a cigar on his way to the ferry, hands in his pockets and irked all around on oh, so many levels.

It would be just his luck if K had stirred up a hornet's nest with the yakuza for him to walk into.

It was nearly dawn when K heard a sound outside of her room, and she automatically glanced at Kitty, who was still sleeping in a tight little ball. She hated this trip. Everything about it. Her imagination had gone wild guessing what this Ogun person might have wanted this sweet little girl for - and she didn't like it one damn bit.

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