Avengers, Assemble!

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Slowly, but surely, all around the country rallies were being held that showcased Magneto's vision for the future. The alarming thing was that most of them were organic occurrences that people were organizing on their own ... and a few were starting to rival the kind of attendance that those where Magneto himself appeared.

Obviously Erik was overly pleased with himself, and his connections in the media were finally doing what he'd paid or blackmailed them to do. The coverage was amazing - and replays of Captain America knocking out K were being looped any time someone tried to defend the Avengers. Which, for the most part meant that for a long while, if K wasn't doing recon or scouting, or ... recruiting, she didn't have to be in the public eye. Which was perfectly fine by her.

But the day had finally come where she was forced to step up and make her presence known when they started questioning if the blow Cap had landed had actually done her serious harm. And Erik was more than happy to take her to a large rally that had come about outside of his sphere of influence.

Which just meant that those in attendance would be that much more frenzied at his appearance. K put her newest uniform on - something that Erik had finally pushed that they all wore - the color scheme limited to purple, black, and red for everyone involved, and though K wasn't thrilled with the skin-tight bodysuit, Pietro was absolutely disgusted with his change in colors.

Wanda at least had already fallen into the required trio with her red suit, but the silvery-blue and white that Pietro always wore was out of the question, and he was being a child about it, too.

K ran her hand down her side as she looked him over. There wasn't a thing for him to complain about - except perhaps the fact that the abundance of purple in his new uniform made his resemblance to his father all the more striking. Although, if Erik noticed how much stronger Pietro looked when the two of them were side by side ... that would be changed, she was sure.

"What?" Pietro said in an almost irritated tone when he realized that K was looking at him.

She shook her head lightly. "You look ..."

He let out a scoffing noise and rolled his eyes, sure that she was going to say something insulting as she usually did.

"... I was going to say you looked like you were ready to step up, but you went and ruined it," K said.

He fell silent at that, obviously weighing it all out as the group travelled to where the rally was going on in Grant Park. Lake Shore Drive had been blocked off by the sheer number of people that were gathered between Buckingham fountain and Lake Michigan, and it was near the fountain that the organizers of this rally had set up their microphones.

The crowd was massive, and there was no solid way to measure how many people were in the park - and very many of them were physically altered mutants - though not all of it was mutations. Many of the people in the crowd had a scarred up 'M' either on their faces, hands, or bodies - and it was clear that it wasn't done voluntarily. Someone had held each of them down and burned it into their skin.

It was enough to get K growling low - and that had Pietro smirking crookedly. "Yeah, now you get a growl going. It's too bad you were out of it when they started to do that to people. Instead you were vacationing in Germany ..."

"I was trying to recruit."

"And you came back empty handed. Your life is so hard," Pietro said, clearly bitter that he wasn't the one out on recruiting missions.

K did her best to ignore him, though she'd heard a lot of the same thing from Emma Frost and a few of the people that Emma was close to in Avalon, and Pietro hadn't been warm with her from the beginning, so him being a jerk wasn't a shock. At all.

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