Wedding Bells

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For the next few months, the two teams found a new sort of normal. After spending all that time together, they weren't nearly as separate as they had been before, and they shared team members as needed.

And, of course, there was also the matter of the kids. Even with everyone picking their families, the kids wanted to be around each other all the time, so there were constant trips between New York and Westchester as well as Malibu.

In particular, Tony and K were slowly working out a strange sort of custody with Katie. She spent most of her time with K and Logan, but Tony and Jan stole her away on the weekends - and the holidays were a combined blast of mayhem for all the kids.

But now that things were starting to feel normal, Tony wanted to take Jan and both kids on a trip of his own. And since Peter's school had the week off for Spring Break, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a cruise. All four of them.

So when he came out with Jan and Peter the weekend before Spring Break, he wasn't surprised to find Logan and K sitting together over breakfast - with half the kids all gathered at their own table and giggling with each other eating their Swedish pancakes and lingonberries that K had made for Kitty's birthday.

"Hey troubles," K said when they stepped into the room. "Plenty over there by the coffee if you want in."

Tony smirked at that and set Peter down so the little guy could rush over to his friends and tell them all about how much fun he'd had at school. "So next week is Spring Break for Peter's school," he said as he sat down with his coffee - and an arm around Jan's shoulders as she leaned against him.

"Same here," Logan replied, though he didn't do more than glance up at him.

"And I'd like to take the whole family out on my boat for the break," Tony said. "Katie included."

K turned toward Katie and called her over. "Tony wants to take you for the week. Sound like fun?"

Katie glanced up at Tony and smiled. "Why you wanna kidnap me?" she asked, one hand on her hip.

"Duh, you're adorable and he wants you around," K said, reaching over to tickle her.

Katie giggled and then snuggled K. "Yeah. Duh!"

Tony smirked at both of them. "We want to go on the yacht for a cruise during spring break. You, me, Jan, and Pete. What do you think?"

Katie bounced slightly. "That sounds fun. Can I go, Mom?" She spun to face K. "Can I pleeeeease?"

"I won't stop you from going with Tony if you want to go," K said. "Ever. Have fun, love you bunches." She pulled Katie over to rub noses with her for the last words.

Katie beamed and hugged K around the neck and then made sure to get Logan too. "Take good care of my mom, okay?"

"You got it, punkin'," Logan promised, smirking crookedly.

"Yay!" She beamed and then leaned over until Tony caught her from falling sideways. "Let's go!"

Tony laughed. "You're not gonna have breakfast first?" he teased.

"Oooh, yes. Kitty's birthday breakfast. Then Tony cruising," Katie agreed, nodding sagely. "You gotta have some cuz they're yummy."

"Yes ma'am," Tony laughed - and then Jan busted up laughing when the impatient little girl positively tripped over herself to go get some breakfast for both of them.

The little breakfast went on easily enough, and as the group got closer and closer to the kids being done, Logan leaned over to whisper something incredibly quiet to K. Which was a severe indicator of how secret it had to be since neither of them needed to whisper to each other to get the point across. At least ... they didn't need to whisper and be that close.

Age Of Magnetoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें