Welcome to America

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Jean let Kurt sit in the copilot chair next to Logan as long as he promised not to touch anything - and to prove that he wouldn't, he grasped his tail with both hands and stared wide-eyed as Logan started their vertical takeoff. He was mesmerized at all the lights, buttons, and readouts - and even more mesmerized when they finally started to move forward - climbing higher and higher as they picked up speed. He stared out of the window at the ground moving further away and finally sat back in his chair with his shoulders slouched forward ... and started to pray.

It took Logan a moment to realize what he was doing, and instead of panicking him more, Jean gave him a small suggestion to relax ... and with all of the excitement that he'd been through in the past few hours - and all the hiking K had him doing before they met up - Kurt fell asleep.

Which was what Jean was waiting for to peek into his mind and see how the last few days had gone. She was positively transfixed by the time she was done - and for the first time in a long time, she didn't say a word to Logan, processing all the sweetness that she saw between Kurt and K. There was no way she was faking it. And it had Jean joining the group trying to figure out why in the world she was with Magneto. If it continued, she'd more or less decided that she was going to go ahead and look in her mind - like it or not.

When they landed in Westchester, Kurt startled awake as the sensation of movement finally stopped, and as he sat up, there was a clear moment of confusion as he tried to get his bearings. It was obvious when he remembered what was going on as his shoulders dropped and he let out a deep breath before Jean and Logan led him down to Hank for a once over.

"Mein gott," Kurt said when he saw Hank. "Du bist auch blau und pelzig!"

Hank smiled at him broadly. "Ja! Uch ich bin der Arzt hier." Kurt blinked at him and then rushed over, in awe of the furry blue doctor. Especially since he understood him. For a moment, Kurt and Hank went back and forth in German as Jean and Logan looked on. It was still a bit rocky since Kurt hadn't really seen a proper doctor before, and after a full physical, he ended up getting a battalion of shots. It was enough that when Hank handed him the traditional after-check up Twinkie, he took it with a look of suspicion - his pointed ears pinned back and his tail switching in irritation.

"He won't do that again," Logan told him.

But Kurt only gave Hank a sidelong glance before he hopped off of the exam table and took Jean's hand. "Vas makes you besonders?"

Jean frowned and looked over at Logan. "He wants to know what your mutant thing is," Logan explained.

She smiled and met Kurt's gaze only to project out to him I can hear people's thoughts and move things with my mind. In demonstration, she lifted him gently into the air, and he gasped, reaching out to grab a hold of Logan's arm. "Sorry, I was just showing you."

Kurt looked a little shaken, but it wasn't long before he gave her a broad, toothy smile. "Das ist Wunderbar!" He turned toward Logan with a bright smile. "And you?"

Logan looked up at Jean, let out a sigh and then gave Kurt a little look. "I have really good senses," he said. "I heal fast, and I have claws."

Kurt raised his eyebrows at that and nodded, but didn't say anything right away. When the three of them got up to the main floor, Scott was watching a game with Peter - who was stuffing popcorn in his mouth and talking a mile a minute.

Kurt half hid behind Logan as he saw Peter - but not fast enough for Peter to miss the movement. "Oh ... wow! Hey! I'm Peter!" he called out. "Want some popcorn? Do you like sports?"

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