Let's Make A Deal

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Charles didn't waste any time in putting the word out to his team - though when most of them gathered up - even with the kids following them, the Avengers in attendance did as well. "What's going on?" Steve asked as he and Tony joined the group.

Natasha and Clint were already there, having been joking with Logan when he got the message from Charles. "They're going to rescue Cyclops," Natasha said. "And one of us should go along to help."

"Woa-wait. Cyclops ... didn't he just go to pick up another kid?" Tony asked. "That's what he said on the way out when he snagged the Cookie Monster from the lab. Or was that just an excuse to pull Hank off the project?"

"Hank hasn't returned yet, though he should be here soon," Charles said. "But yes, they were going to pick up a child in need."

Tony narrowed his eyes at that. "Then why'd they take two jets?"

Jean and Charles shared a look, but Jean answered for him. "Scott ... was going to get K out of there. Whether she wanted to go or not."

That was enough, though to have Tony looking slightly alarmed. "And now he needs a rescue. Sounds like his kidnapping went off without a hitch." He started pacing before he pointed a finger toward Charles and Jean. "This is why we were trying to get a device together! I could have gotten her out of there without a fight."

"Tony, you don't know if that's the case or not," Jan said gently. "She told you to stop working on it, didn't she? What's to say she wouldn't turn you down too?"

Tony gave her a look that clearly said what he thought of that, but he didn't respond to her. "I want in. I'm going with."

"I don't think that's a great idea," Steve said. "All the intel she had - everything that we got through the loopholes she sent us ... Magneto wants to take you out of the game. She worked hard to try and protect you. You need to let us take care of it."

"So what? You think you're gonna go for Scott and leave her there?" Tony asked - and right then, it was clear how much he hadn't been sleeping and how hard he'd been working with Rhodey and Hank to find a way to make his device work. Which was that much harder when they didn't have the sample they needed to calibrate the machine.

"Of course not," Jean said gently. "Scott was captured trying to make sure she was safe. We're not going to undo that. He wouldn't leave without her at this point." She gave him a pointed look. For Katie's sake. Though I wouldn't let her stay for your sake if this is how it's affecting you.

Tony glanced up at her, though he still didn't look happy in the least as Steve stepped in. "Professor, I know it's not my place, but I want to be a part of this mission, if I can," Steve said. "I know he's your team leader, but I feel somewhat responsible for him - whether he knows it or not. I don't want to be on guard when anything goes south on these kids." He turned toward Jean. "No offense."

"None taken," she replied with a smile.

"Of course, you're welcome to go," Charles replied. "No metal, of course. We'll meet Hank in the hangar."

"Wait - we?" Tony said, leaning toward him. "Who's we?"

"Jean, Captain Rogers, and myself," Charles said.

"Now wait a damn minute," Logan broke in. "If you're goin' up to have a throw down with Magneto I want in."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Tony said, gesturing at Logan. "You've got a metal skeleton! What're you gonna do against a guy whose entire tag line is about how he can literally shove your head up your-"

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