I'm Saving You - Like It Or Not

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There was a long stretch, comparatively, before Scott got another phone call requesting a pick up from K. There was so much that had happened since the last time he'd seen her - and though they'd gotten her message weeks ago - that had only set Tony's project to save her back. Instead of obsessing over the Adamantium exclusion, he was coding and securing their servers and all the data - encrypting their comms, and working fast enough to be distracting to anyone even halfway paying attention. It was almost funny, then, when Scott had left for the last thing he saw before loading up was Tony hard at work on a laptop with Peter looking over one shoulder and Kitty looking over the other - both of them entranced with the lines of code whipping past.

Which was good to see - the kids finding which adults suited them best ... but... Jean wasn't able to join Scott like they'd plotted out to do. By random chance, she was out on a pick up mission of her own, and there really wasn't time to wait by the circumstances that K had called under. But he had no intention of going alone. Not again. So instead of Jean, Scott had Hank go with so at the very least, he wouldn't be going in to another brave kid situation alone.

As usual, Scott had no idea where K was before she melted out of the shadows - from an entirely different direction than he'd expected. This time she had a little boy that was whispering jokes to her at high speed.

"...because it had so many problems!"

"You're hilarious, kiddo," K told him with a muted smile - her eyes dancing as he beamed at her. K was shaking her head as she carried him toward Scott and Hank. "What's the story here?" she asked, tipping her chin to Hank, though she kept the easy, friendly appearance. "Since when do you come with muscle?" She was eyeing both of them suspiciously, and it was clear that the two of them in tandem had her nervous.

"Beast is here to help with the little guy. I wanted to talk to you," Scott said.

"Okay." K frowned and looked between the two of them again before she slowly walked toward Hank - though she didn't take her eyes off of Scott. "This little genius is named Miles. He knows every knock knock joke ever created."

"And some other ones too," Miles said with a grin.

"Yeah, and yours are way better, little man," she promised him with a smirk. "Very punny."

He grinned proudly as Hank gently took him out of K's arms, and he had absolutely no problems with the handoff, immediately trying to prove K right by launching into knock-knock jokes with Hank.

Scott waited until Miles was fully engrossed with Hank before he turned to K. "Come with us."

"I can't," she told him. "You know that."

"Yes, you can," he said. "We'll work out a way to protect you, but this has got to stop."

She crossed her arms and took a step back. "If you don't want the kids, say so. I'll figure something else out."

Scott frowned at that. "Of course we'll take them. But they're not my only concern right now."

She frowned deeper at that. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about bringing you back with me," Scott said. "Not just because you know this whole thing is wrong but because Katie's still waiting on a visit and I think it should be more than just a handoff, don't you?"

She let out a heavy sigh. "I told you, Scott; she's not my little girl."

Scott didn't look like he believed her in the least. "So that's it - you're just going to keep ... doing this."

"Saving kids? Yeah, that's the plan. For as long as I can."

"You could do that on this team, you know."

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