Chapter 19: Tyree

Start from the beginning

That's when Cable looked at Crush. Crush at the time couldn't tell what Cable was thinking, but Tyree could see it in Cable's eyes. Cable was going to stop Megatron at any cost, not bring him in.

"I was told to bring you in, but what you say is true." Cable said. He pulled out his pistol and shot a single round into Megatron's head. Megatron reeled back from the impact through the glass, but Tyree noticed the same detail that Crush did at the time. Megatron's eyes flashed just as the impact of the bullet hit. 

Crush confronted Cable. His blood, if they have blood, rushing and boiling. He pulled Cable by the shoulder to face him. Anger, betrayal, fear. All emotions that Crush didn't deal with well. "This wasn't the plan!"

"It was mine." Cable said as his eyes had a similar flash. 

The memory faded and Tyree could feel the resentment in Crush's voice. "Megatron's body survived and from that point was outed, but so was the resistance. All of Cable's actions that day helped push the Civil War from being a cold war to a revolt. That's when Cable recruited Razor, Haze, and myself. He said he wanted to make amends by finding Megatron. With Flint and Forge, we tracked him and gave chase all the way here to Earth in two ships. Flint and Forge didn't make it and as you know we ended up with Colin."

"I'm sorry."  Tyree said. As the memory finally faded into Tyree's Krowten. Both of them staring at each other. 

"Nothing to be sorry for, what's really bugging me is that, well, since trying to track Megatron. Cable hasn't been himself. At first, I thought it was because he went down as one of the reasons for the uprising. All he could think about was getting Megatron's body."

"Revenge," Tyree said. 

"Yeah, but he was too focused, almost acting like he lost something more than his pride. Like he lost a possession and was looking to reclaim it. Before that mission, we were brief that Megatron was from the thunder tribe. A well-trained soldier and businessman with his own unique totem."

"Totem?" Tyree sat on a log that appeared. His Krowten morphing into an Olympic stadium.

"Yes. Totems are our species way of identifying each other. For example, Razor is from the cutters, but his totem is what you refer to as scissors. Flint is from the same tribe but his totem is chakrams. Sparks have no control over their totem. Think of it like, I believe you humans call it a beauty mark."

"Crush," Tyree could feel something primal from Crush. He wanted to hunt down Megatron himself and take him on. Who cares about justice when you can get revenge. That's when he realized that Crush's emotions were being tied to his.  'Do the others know about this mission?"

"Yes. Cable told us. Told everyone, but he also shared another detail."

"What was it?"

"See the electric tribe is, well, always has been one of the most aggressive tribe. They are always pushing for advancement. Their totems are unique because it's plasma-based. Thus they end up with abilities where they can be considered telepaths on our world. "

"Got it, because of the whole cybernetic thing,"  Tyree said.


"and I take it Megatron has a totem we're not going to like."

"he has the ability to control the minds of others. With stronger minds, he can only influence, which is what happens to Cable."

"And why Cable is hell bent to track him."

"Yes. The others have been working on their firewalls to make sure he can't control us. That's another benefit of having a host. He can still take over, but it will be harder for him to do so.  Now that we know he survived, we're all afraid that he will do the same to us. The only people who will be mostly immune is Razor. That's why he became the leader and me."

"I see. Your species have a weakness to each other, don't you?" Tyree said. He could see the pattern. Megatron is a threat because he can make anyone his weapon. Although he is weak against the cutting tribe, the cutting tribe is weak to..."

"My tribe, the Earth Movers. So if he were somehow able to take me, he could use me against Razor."

"But taking you would be hard too, right?"

"It should be, in fact, everyone but Haze should have been difficult, but he's been doing this a long time. "

"Well, at least we know his abilities now. The problem is finding out who he is using. Are you going to be alright?"

"Cable may have pissed me off, but he was still one of the few friends I have. I give Razor a lot of grief, but we'be through a lot together. He feels this just as bad as me. I want revenge because I know Megatron killed him. We don't have the evidence, but it was him."

"I agree.  I want to help you, but I'm still afraid. When you took over earlier, I didn't like it. I mean, you helped me survive and I should be thankful, but it still doesn't change how I feel. I'm terrified."

"Of letting the others down." Crush said. "You do things to please people and this is so much bigger than you, you don't' want to fail. I get it, but it's one of the reasons why I chose you. There's a competitive edge that goes with your "people-pleasing. You don't want to fail, so you will do all you can to make sure that doesn't happen. I've seen your memories as clear as you saw mine.  That drive to please others and my determination will see us through the upcoming battle, but you have to trust me."

"So long as you guys aren't hiding anything else." Tyree thought and try to not think about the what happens if Crush gets hungry.

"I won't feed on you any more than I have too. When this is all over We will fix our shop and leave. I promise. I need to be back home, fighting in the war. Not here torturing you." Crush said. 

"But you have to do this because you feel guilty about that night too." Tyree felt the faint feeling of guilt. Now that he bought it up he could feel it and the guilt rivaled his own. He could feel that Crush blamed himself for the war itself. That if he was faster than he could have stopped Cable.

"Now you know, I failed the few people I care about. I'm like you. That's why the binary process worked.  We are one and the same."

Binary: Rough Draft Edition (Sword Dancers, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now