Chapter 10: Olivia

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Olivia has been on some long rides, but this ride from Mount Laurel to Bordentown was maybe the longest.  Colin sat in the passenger seat of Murphys Jeep talking strategy and learning more about the Spark's civil war. Murphy was talking with guidance from Cable. She couldn't hear them, but she can tell that their binary fusion was getting deeper because they refer to themselves collectively.  Tyree sat by the window on the left leaving the middle open between her and him. 

Murphy kept his vehicle cleaner than most males and to Olivia's surprise, there were no signs of him being a cop. She hated labels, well, the negative kind. She was proud of being a woman and black. Her family originated from Nigeria at least on her mother's side. Her dad was born here in America and raised in Nigeria for his adolescence. She had too many scars from his failure to be a man. 

She looked over at Tyree and couldn't help but think of him in the same way. HIs excuse always seemed to be he is trying. Although she did have to give him credit. He was trying. Tyree really wasn't anything like her dad. She knew that. However, she didn't want to be with him in case he did turn out to be like her dad. She couldn't put herself through that or their children if they were to have any. That's why she took the morning after pills whenever they had sex. That and she didn't want to look bad at church. 

She couldn't help herself any more than Tyree could. She loved being sensual. It didn't take much for her engine to start running. Tyree had nice lips that were made for kissing and even better, he knew how to kiss. She remembered how all he had to do was kiss her neck and then slide his tongue in her mouth as they kiss. HEr clothes practically fell off. She would whisper "no" and "we should stop," but she didn't mean it. He seduced her and she let it happened. There were times when he even tried to stop it, but her body and actions went against her. 

She was always sensual, but it was her imagination that made everything even more intense for her. Once she almost seduced her own mailman, just from the mere thought of the thrill and how handsome he was. Her last boyfriend before Tyree was a rapper who always wanted sex, but didn't really want to work on getting married.  Which was her goal. In fact, that's why she enjoyed Tyree more than any man in her life. 

Tyree wanted to be married and have kids. Most men she dated would say that, but their actions didn't support their statements. Tyree did things the others didn't'.  At least at first. He would read with her about Christian marriage and they agree to see a marriage therapist. He wanted to make sure he didn't mess anything up with her. Hell, he was even honest about cheating on his ex-wife, the porn and sex addiction, and that he was working on it. HE was more transparent than any man she knew. The trouble was that he was always working on it and she had grown impatient.

Now here she was in a jeep with him and about to join a secret rebellion. SHe knew God was testing her, but what was a test? what did she have to learn? 

Tyree fell asleep and she watched the slight rise and falling of his chest as he snored. She focused on his lips and ran her eyes down his body. HEr heat was rising and once again she knew that this wasn't his fault. She had to learn self-control and she couldn't do it around him. IF he didn't make the first move she knew she would of. Especially after their first time. 

"I use to feel that way about Crush." Haze said in their telepathic speech. "He rescued me once. That's how we met. He was already on Cable's team with his brother Razor."

Olivia shifted upright and looked out the window. She couldn't see as clearly as Tyree abilities allowed, but she could still make out the passing of the trees. She was learning more and more about their Spark partners. 

"Wait, Razor and Crush are brothers, but I thought Murphy said they were from different tribes ?"

"They are. See we come into being from natural minerals, much like the minerals here on Earth. Pluto is made of 1/3 water and that's where the ice tribe originates. We have crude from at first, somewhat humanoid, but rocky. AS we grow we evolved into metals and that's when your tribe functions start. For cutters, like Razor, they grow cutting like appendages. In Crush's case, the Earth Movers grow to larger sizes than the other tribes.  Think of the process like your species has puberty. We finally evolve into our final forms and can reproduce. We use the binary process to mate and spawn our children. We called them pods. The pods will gain their tribe aspect of the fathers, but their appearance will be like their mother. The process goes on and on. Each pod is a reboot of sorts for the pod because the mom can also transfer  knowledge to the pods before they are born."

"Wow, robot babies," Olivia said. 

"We prefer not to be called robots. We understand that's what we are to you, but we cybernetic lifeforms.  Sparks. Robots is a derogatory term and most have come to endear it as such that they will kill. I wish I could have kept your species out of our war, but Megatron is gaining the upper hand. We stopped him, We strike a major blow to his resistance."

"It's fascinating how even on another planet, there is still hate."

"Yes." Haze's voice was noticeably deeper. "Our world has a global democracy. He seeks to bring everything into chaos because he hates order.  He has no right to decide that for any of us."

"Well you know I agree."

"I know that's why we are able to bond easily. We both share a need for order, discipline, rules."

Olivia thought about her weaknesses and realized that is true. SHe is hard on herself because who wants to live up to those ideals and believes everyone else should too. She isn't one to force her beliefs on others, but if we were to follow God, the world would be a nicer, safer place. 

"I have much to learn about this God of yours." Haze said.

"Oh, he's amazing."

"IHow do you know he exists? Why do you put your faith in something you can not see or touch?"

Olivia pondered. "Just because something can't be seen, doesn't mean it doesn't' exist. A few hours ago I didn't believe in aliens, Now I'm bonded to one. We will never understand God, but I believe that has my best interest at heart. Too many things have happened and I've only gotten through because of God."

"Interesting." Haze said. "We don't have a God, but we do know that our life comes to form the Matrix. A source of energy that pools and collects beneath the surface of Pluto. Your species can't see it, it exists in another state, but it fills us with our energy, life, and we can feel it at all times. That's how we communicate in our world. Your species call it telepathy."

"Thas't really something," Olivia said. as the car came to a stop. They were in front of a large house that looked like it was being remodeled. A large fenced off area of land to its side with one of the grass cutters you can sit on. She woke Tyree up.

"We 're here?" he asked. He looked like he wanted to kiss her good morning. She stepped out and replied to him.

"I'm assuming."

"You know what happens when you assume?" he said.

"I get that reference. you humans are enjoyable." Haze said. Colin and Murphy met with her and Tyree at the gate.

"Colin?" Murphy asked. Colin pulled two fingers and a screen appeared in front of them. A small green blip was flashing

"She's in there according to Razor." 

They nodded.  "Well, let's get this over with," Murphy said and one by one they each followed.

Binary: Rough Draft Edition (Sword Dancers, Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora