Chapter 5: Tyree

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"I'm not telling you anything!" the old man yelled. "You're just gonna have to kill me." He had a smirk on his face that Tyree wanted to punch away.  Although that would be out of character for him. He was always a background kind of guy. Yeah, he enjoyed the spotlight from time to time, but overall he prefers to be acknowledged from afar.

"RAzor should just kill him." Crush spoke to Tyree telepathically. The result of the binary fusion process. Tyree was still mad that Crush did this to him, but the stakes were bigger than his personal issues.  Besides he knew that Crush could read his thoughts, just as he could read Crush's

"Are you sure Colin can't hear me?"

"Not when we are interfacing. I would have to let Razor in, and you know I don't  want to do that."

"Well, then, I agree." Tyree seemed surprised he was being open. He felt as if he found a kindred spirit in Crush, much to the dismay of Crush. Both of them were lonely, for different reasons, but they both had one thing in common. They loved their freedom. Right now their freedom was in danger. Who wanted them dead. 

"It's obvious he was sent to kill us," Tyree said out loud to Colin. Colin nodded in to agree and unsheathed another sword. He took both swords and made a pair of scissors around the neck of the suspect. That's when Tyree knew Colin wasn't physically controlling himself, no more than Tyree. Crush was physically in control of the body he now shared with Tyree. Tyree felt like he was in his army gear, but it was heavier.  

Crush was calling the shots now. Tyree wonders how much control or influence he could have on Crush. Then he realized that Crush couldn't kill the man, because he didn't really want the man dead.

"You're a coward." Crush said telepathically. Tyree ignored him and continue to talk to Colin.

"I told you we shouldn't be doing this." 

"We don't have a choice," Colin said. 

"There is always a choice. Now we got people trying to kill us with rain. RAIN! Colin. Freaking Fire Rain!" 

"But we lived," Colin said. Razor chuckled in a series of beeps. 

"Colin, this isn't funny." Tyree was still angry that his friend got him into this mess. He was trying to take the high road. He knew Colin tried to do the right thing, but his adventuring nature now put them both in danger.

"I'm not laughing," Colin said. "I messed up, but I'm not going to give up, or turn my back on my world."  We'll get out of this, just trust me. Okay."

"Well, Colin, I'm having a hard time with that. Tyree watched Colin sheath his swords to the back. "Can either of you Sparks find out if he is a host?"

"No," Crush and Razor said. Only if he permits it, but I don't sense any Spark within him, but it's still possible.

"I'll save you the time."  A voice said. If words could cut that shows to share his voice was. The man stood about six four. He had broad shoulders. His small head didn't look proportionate. He was wearing the same clothes as the beggar. The beggar started to disappear. 

"What's happening to him?" Tyree asked.

"He was an illusion as was the fire rain. I had to check to make sure it was you too. " The man took off his hood. "I'm Detective  Murphy. "

"And you're bonded with Cable!" Razor said. 

"That's right I'm here" A rich voice boomed in bleeps.

"Whose Cable?" Tyree asked Crush. 

"He's our leader. He flew here on his own solo ship. We thought he bought it when Megatron shot him out the sky. " Crush sounded like he was disappointed and afraid. Tyree knew those feelings especially well. He was glad he decided to join sports when he was younger. Sports are the only time he felt in control and confident. He rarely doubted himself when he played soccer or basketball. This whole saving the world thing was too much. 

"Detective Murphy?" Colin asked.

"Yes. I found Cable and together we tracked down the ship here. When we saw you we had to make sure that you weren't Megatron's hosts.

"Hosts?" Tyree questioned, "You mean he can have multiple hosts?" 

Murphy/Cable moved closer. They were only a couple of feet away and Tyree couldn't help but noticed a slight limp as he moved. Tyree wondered if they could trust the Sparks. I mean as of right not he did. That was a necessity to try and repair his friendship with Colin.  He had fused with Crush and knew that everything they were saying was the truth. 

He knew Crush could hear every thought and wasn't sorry about it. Somebody had to stay cynical and grounded about this. Colin's sense of adventure made him careless sometimes. sSually in a funny way, but this was a matter of life and death. The Sparks failed to mention that the Binary fusion also bestowed powers as well as enhanced a skill.

They also failed to mention that their leader flew here on his own. Things were starting to get messy and he wasn't sure if they could trust the Sparks fully. Now he was inches away from their leader, Cable, who was being hosted by a cop.  He wondered if they should believe anything Murphy had to say.

"No." Cable bleeped.

"I'll have Cable download everything to you two. We don't' have much time. It thought Megatron came by himself. I was wrong. His ship separated into three sections upon crashing. The other two sections were also ships. We could be dealing with more than 2 more soldiers under his command. " Murphy said. 

"Yes, time is of the essence." Cables voice was scratchy but had a calm toned to it. This wasn't his first mission. Tyree thought about this is how he was going to die. I don't' want to die with this guilt. He looked at Colin who was thinking while stroking his beard.

"We're going to need more help," Colin said.

"Well. Haze and Flair should be getting close to their hosts." Murphy looked at Tyree. "Hopefully, these nonmilitary trained hosts get along with them."

Tyree noticed that almost sounded like a threat, more than a general statement. "Why is that?"

"Because Sparks are just like any other organism. Both HAze and Flair are on the brink of starvation. If your two hosts don't synchronize with them well, the two of them will feed on them till their dead. We tend to become...savages if we prolonged from eating."

"Oh, well, gee Tyree you're batting a thousand," Colin said.

"That'sn not helping Colin." Tyree turned back to Murphy. "So, it was possible that Crush and Razor could have eaten us too? Funny how you didn't mention that."

"Crush and I have a stronger...will. You see we are older than the rest. We have more experience with controlling our hunger." Razor bleeped.

"Yeah, well, that isn't going to help the girls," Colin said.

"Then I guess we're going to have to go meet up with them."                                                                                                                                                                          

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