Chapter 20: Tyree

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Detective Troy was standing there still dressed from when Tyree and the others met her. She was waiting for Murphy, but he was still investigating. It was Colin who came up with the idea of speaking with her alone. Although she wasn't friendly, Colin was able to track her movements. With humans, he had a longer range and no defenses to deal with. 

Troy was driving a 2008 Pontiac G6, blue, and still in good condition. Tyree noticed that inside the car were plenty of signs she was a detective, unlike Murphy.  He assumed she must be the Scully and Murphy the Mulder.  

"You four aren't students are you?" she questioned. Tyree's senses buzzed and focused on her subtle movements. She had placed some distance between her and the group. Her hand passively resting by her holster, Her coat covering the holster, but he could see the details of the hand.. No emotion in her face as her dark brown eyes focused on them. 

He understood where she was coming from. In the Army, they train you to look for actions such as that.  To be ready to defend yourself, especially if you're confronted with a group. They had volunteers come up to defend themselves against three guards. Tyree had volunteered to make himself get noticed. Both for his own need for attention and to inspire his team members  THe training was from correction officers. Preparing for a fight, Troy wanted to make sure she could see them all and Tyree respected that. Hopefully, he was wrong and they can go on their way.

"We're helping Murphy with the case," Colin spoke. For some reason, Tyree thought about how it was Colin making all their decisions. He didn't mind, yeah, part of him likes the attention of being the leader, but he prefers to be the man behind the man. That way if something fails, it won't be all on him. Besides, this was still Colin's mess getting them dragged into a war and now a murder case. 

There were so many reasons why he didn't want to this. Fear is the chief among them. There was also the guilt he had. Not just for his part in the accidental recruitment of Olivia and Ashley, but his failure as a friend. He could relate to Crush because they put so much pressure on themselves, they just handled it differently. Crush became volatile and apathetic. Tyree, well, he tried to continue to help and press through. Which was what he was doing now.

He had to forget about his failure to his ex-wife who accuses him of not trying harder. His resignation from the Army because he didn't have the heart for it anymore. He hated to fail, but that seems to be the only thing he was good at. Failing others, the only thing that kept him pressing was the success he had and the gratitude that came with it.  He knew people thought of him as a people pleaser, but they didn't' realize that helping others is what drives him, because, at the end of the day, he didn't know himself. 

So, as afraid as he migh be. He won't let his best friend do this alone. He can't fail, or else Olivia will die, his friends will die, hell there's a possibility his planet could become enslaved or die.  He had to bring his a game and hope everything works out. Which it's usually does, for him, just not the way he would like.  Maybe if they survive, Olivia will see that he isn't as lazy as she thinks he is.

After all, he was the one that found the clue that led them here to Troy. Megatron was using either her or Murphy to get around. There was no denying that. The nose knows and his nose was far superior to any human nose, possibly the greatest human sense ever knows to man.  That's' when he caught the scent of her fear and could hear the rapid heartbeats. IF she is hosting Megatron, she was all but giving it up by her expressions. 

"Where's Megatron?" Tyree asked. Troy looked at him. Her eyes filled with anger and he could see a tear forming. 

"How. Do You. Know?" she said pulling her weapon out. Pointing it at Tyree who wanted to wet his pants. She frantically pointed it at each member while backing up.  Her heartbeat was moving so fast, Tyree couldn't keep count. 

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