Is This Safe Haven Really Safe? (pt.2)

Start from the beginning

...Next Night...

As I sit down by Aries with my dinner tray I look to my right to see Thomas sitting with the same kids I walked in on last night. I see the brit starting at me. I look back instantly trying to forget about it.
"Hey.Are you okay?" I ask Aries as I notice hes been extremely quite as of last night
"What happened last night?" I ask looking him. I notice Aries is side eyeing Thomas and his friends.
"What is it?" I ask. He still doesnt respond to me. I give up.

Jenson announces the names of the day and they start to walk off. I feel Aries shift about 90 degrees as his eyes follow Thomas as he walks over to the door the other people are walking into. I see Thomas be shoved back. Im not sure what they are saying but it must have been serious as Thomas punches him in the face and scrap his waist. My mouth drops wide. Aries grabs my arm and leads me out the other door. He stops in a hallway that we are in and he looks at me.

"(Y/N) listen, I want you to go back to your room and wait for me to come a get you. I wont be long at tops 10 minutes, okay?" He says looking into my eyes while holding my shoulders tight. I decide not to ask any questions even though I have a million I could ask him right now. I nod in agreement. He lets go of my shoulders and walks the opposite way to his room and I go to mine. I anxiously walk to my room biting my nails in both excitment and in fright.
'what if were wrong and they are trying to help us. It might ruin everything...' I think before walking into my room and shutting the door behind me.

I sit down on the bunk right above the vent so I know when hes coming. About 5 minutes pass when I hear Aries calling my name.
"(Y/N)! Lets go we need to go and get Thomas" Before Aries can finish his sentance I am already in the vent half way towards him. We army crawl the fastest we have ever had to get to Thomas.

"Wait Aries how do you even know they are in their room? People arent supposed to be let out the cafeteria yet?" I ask still army crawling, without stopping Aries answers my question.
"They made a ruckus so of course they would send them back to thier room." I nod as I see how that would make sense.
"Here" says Aries pushing open a grate. He stands up allowing me to crawl out.
"(Y/N) stay here. Thomas and I will be right back." I nod as Aries gets down and into the vent.
"How are you gusy going to get in there?" I ask. Thomas pulls out a key card. I smile.
"Get into what?Tommy what are you doing?" Asks the same brit kid from last night. I turn away from him in embarrassment. He grabs Thomas' shoulder.
"They are hiding something. And I need to know what." He says
"And what if your wrong? You could mess this up for us. They gave us new clothes and a bed to sleep on. Which for most of us we havent had in forever." Says the brit looking into Thomas' eyes.
"New-" Thomas is cut off before he can finish what he was gonna say.
"Some longer than others." Says the brit letting go his shoulder.

"Well if im wrong and im just paranoid and they really are trying to help us. Great. But if their not we could all be in danger. I know what I saw." Says Thomas.
"You dont what you saw." Says the brit who is clearly frustrated at Thomas.
"Newt, just keep an eye out. I will be back before anyone knows im gone." Says Thomas as he slips down and into the vent. I can hear the shimying their way through the vents.

I hear chuckling come from behind me.
"What?" I say turning around and looking at the boys behind me.
"Nothing, its just your the same girl from last night." Laughs a darker skined one.
"Fuck off." I mumble to myself putting my head down.

I see a hand reach in front of my face.
"Im Mihno" says a korean kid. I look at him and wave not touching his hand. Be puts his hand down in defeat.
"Thats Frypan, thats Winstion, and this beautiful brit right here is Newt." They all wave at me in unision and I wave back.

"So whats happening?" Asks Newt taking a step closer to me. I take a quick pause before answering question.
"Ever since ive been here which is about a week or so everyones been acting strange." I pause as I sigh and look down at my feet.
"The first night I was here my brother and my friend were taken,they were the last people I had with me and I havent seen them since. When they called my brother up I went up to him to say good bye to him I was stopped. I tried to put up a fight but all they said was, 'dont worry youll see them on the other side.' I didnt know what he meant by that until that night when Aries and I went into the vents and saw doctors hauling stretchers which we assumed were filled with bodies into a room that we cant get into. We dont think anyone ever really leaves this place." I pause for a brief moment "So since than we've been going through the vents looking and looking for a way to figure out what is really going on behind those doors. We didnt think we would find anything until your boy Thomas came along. Hes had the same suspicions since day one and I know it. Were hoping they find something good behind those doors but after what ive witnessed from being here for so long, im not so sure they will." I say looking at them all. They all seemed shocked at what ive just told them.
"You said your brother was taken, just out of curiosity if you were in a maze as well how do you remember that he is your brother." Asks Newt looking at me.
"I assume your memories were taken away as well?" He says giving me a suspicious look.
"Of course they were. But not all of them. But thats a story for another time." I say looking at Newt.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask looking at Newt dead in the eyes.

"Just find you very complex and fascinating. Makes me laugh" he says chuckling before looking at Mihno whos staring down at the vent.
'Fascinating? Whats that supposed to mean?' I think before hearing Mihno.

"Their back look!" Says Mihno who is pointing at the vent. Both Aries and Thomas crawl out of the vent. Thomas runs to one of the bunks and pulls a mattress off the bunk and pins it against the door. He than grabs a sheet and ties the door.
"We have to go.." Thomas says finishing tieing the door together.
"Why? What did you see!" Says Newt.

"WICKED! Its always been Wicked." Says Thomas who is double checking the security of the door.

I run over to Aries who seems to be shocked and has tears in his eyes.
"Whats wrong? What happened?" I ask. I begin to feel worried about what Aries say. I start to feel tears weel up in my eyes.
"Im sorry..." Says Aries looking at me.
"For what?" I ask feeling more tears coming.

"I saw-" Aries is interrupted by Thomas who is telling everyone to go into the vents.
"Aries not now... We need to stay strong." Says Thomas looking at us. He grabs me and I smack his hand off of mine and get into the vent following Newt who had gone in before me. Aries follows me soon after.

'Why was Aries acting like that? What did he see that made him so sad??'

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