"L-Luigi please. We have to make it through this together. I need you... Ho bisogno di te.. I need you..." Luigi noticed something he had never seen before. Mario was crying.

"M-Mario... You have to do it alone... I know you can... You're better than me at everything."

Mario shook his head. "That's not true Luigi... You're better at a lot of things. You're a great brother. I would never say anything otherwise." Mario carefully embraced his brother. Both of their tears falling on to each other's fur. However, Luigi suddenly pushed him back. 

Luigi turned to see Bowser losing his patience and getting ready to charge another Oblivion Wing. "Please... Mario... If you guys don't leave,  Bowser will turn you into stone too and it'll be Game Over for both of us... You must go bro... You must save the world and save the Princess... Everything will get better in the end. It always does."

"Luigi... I..."

"Please..." Luigi begged. "Do this for the Pokémon World. Do this for me..."

"O-O-Okay bro. I promise I'll come back for you." Mario gave Luigi one last hug before pulling away and walked off, barely missing the Oblivion Wing Bowser released at the last second and once the smoke cleared he roared in rage when he lost sight of Mario and the others and he flew off in the sky in rage.

Mario turned around one final time when they were out of Yveltal's sight to see Luigi's entire body was almost turned fully to stone. "Grazie..." he whispered before he was now fully stone.

Mario lost it once he saw his brother was gone. "LUIGI!!" Lightning quickly grabbed him by the paw to keep him from running forward. "LUIGI!!!" He cried again.

"Come on Mario... Luigi, wants us to keep going... And that's what we're going to do..." Lightning told him, trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"My poor little brother didn't deserve this... I did this to him... I put him in danger. This is all my fault..." Mario cried.

"I'm upset that we lost him too, but we have to keep going."

"I-I know... L-Let's a go..." he replied, sullenly, rubbing as much tears as he could away. "I-I just feel awful... Leaving him like that. I feel awful when I do that to him. He just wants to be a hero..."

"He is..."

"But when I'm the one getting most of the credit. It seems like it upsets him. I just feel really bad for him.."

"Poor Luigi..." Lightning mumbled. "I hope we find the Tree Of Life soon so we can save him."

"M-me too..." Mario replied.

Suddenly, something caught Lightning's eye up ahead. It was giving out a lot of light in the forest. "What is that?" She questioned.

"I don't know, but maybe we should check it out." Mario said.

"Yeah. It'll be strange not to. Come on."

When they finally made it to the source, Lightning gasped in awe when she saw it... "the Tree of Life!"

"The Tree of Life? That's it? So we were actually so close to our target before Luigi was taken from us."

Lightning frowned. "M-maybe, But he did help us this far didn't he?"

Mario nodded. "Yeah, I guess so... But I wish he made it with us..." he bowed his head in sorrow.

Lightning put a paw on his shoulder. "Come on, we need to reawaken Xerneas. She'll help us save Luigi, stop Yveltal and send peace back to the world again."

"You're right..." Mario mumbled.

"Cheer up Mario.... He'll be fine..." Lightning told him softly.


Mario and Lightning walked towards the tree but before they were able to touch it, a Charmeleon ran out and attacked with Flamethrower. They backed away in surprise. "This tree belongs to me!!! I'm not going to let you have it so you can stop my Papa again!"

"Junior?" Mario questioned.

"Yup. My papa brought me and many of his minions including the Eeveelings to this world using this weirdly golden talking key."

With that, Klefki unwrapped herself off Lightning's neck in rage. "What did he do to my brother!!!" She shouted with anger.

"I don't know..." Bowser Jr. lied. "Well... Enough talk. If you want the tree so bad you're going to have to fight me for it."

"Fine by us!" Lightning replied. "We will win anyways."

"Let's see about that." Bowser Jr. responded.

That's another chapter done. Chapter 60 is done. Wow! This chapter was pretty emotional. I hope you enjoyed though. More coming soon...

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