Chapter 22

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So it's been a week and a half since I found out that I'm being hunted down by demons and I am still at BTS house. The boys have been out in rediculous hours in the morning and rediculous hours in the night. I have no idea where they go and they won't tell me, saying it's better if I don't know. Well, I want to fucking know. I'm curious and they can't hide something like this from me forever. They promised me no more secrets and yet here they are with another secret. Fucking idiots, always stressing me out.

Sighing, I sat down on the sofa. "Babe, what's wrong?" Jimin asked sitting next to me. "Nothing, don't worry" I spoke giving him a small smile. "Tell me, I know when you're lying. What's wrong?" He repeated. Sighing again, I turned my body to face him. "Jimin, I'm worried about everything that's happening. Along with that, you guys won't tell me where you keep going and you promised no more secrets" I admitted. Now it was his turn to sigh, "I know, I know we promised that and I'm sorry but this is for your safety. Please understand, we just don't want you to get hurt" he spoke trying to convince me.

"I have the fucking devil and his demons after me, wanting me dead, that has a way bigger risk of me getting hurt and you guys can't tell me a single thing of where the fuck you have been going at ridiculous hours into the morning and night. For my safety, fuck off. I'm sick of this, you promised no more secrets and here you are with another fucking secret. Can't you see that you're just stressing me out and worrying me more by not telling me" I ranted out loud, obviously annoyed by the situation. "Please, Sarah, I understand how you feel but we can't tell you, please try and understand" He pleaded. I huffed in annoyance, rolling my eyes and storming out of the room. Shouting, "fine if you don't want to tell me then leave me the fuck alone"

I know I may be acting like a kid but I'm too pissed off to care. I'm scared, worried, stressed about everything that's happening, the least they could do is keep their promise and stop keeping stupid secrets from me. I laid on my bed and messed on my phone. An hour had passed and there was soft knocks on my door. "Sarah" I heard Jimin call softly. Rolling my eyes, I ignored him. "Sarah, please talk to me" He pleaded. Ignored again. He sighed sadly and walked inside. "Sarah" he moaned, hugging me tightly. "Sarah I'm sorry for keeping this but please understand" he pleaded. "Understand what? That you promised no more secrets and then now you're keeping another secret" I spoke annoyed. He sighed sadly and kept quiet, hugging me tightly.

We stayed quiet, hugging each other. He looked at me sadly, "please don't ignore me. I can't live properly with you ignoring me" He spoke. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Stop being dramatic" I chuckled. He smiled slightly, "I love you baby" he spoke. "I love you too" I spoke and he kissed me after. We laid with each other for a while and took some pictures on our phones. Posting them on Instagram and Twitter.

"Hey Sarah" I turned around and saw Jungkook standing there with a small smile. "Hey Kookie, you alright?" I asked receiving a nod in return. "Yeah I'm good, you?" He asked. "I'm good thanks" I smiled, sitting on the sofa, where Suga and RM was. Jungkook also joined us, sitting next to me. They put on a drama and we watched, with rare amount of talking. Arms wrapped around my shoulders as I felt a pair of lips kiss my neck lightly. "baby" Jimin mumbled into my neck. I chuckled softly, holding his arms lightly. "Eww get a room you two, Sarah you're meant to be the good one out of you both" Suga teased. "The good one" Jimin gasped. "She's no where near the word" I gasped hitting his arm hard, "ouch, see" he spoke pouting. "shut up" I told him with a chuckle.

"Hmmf" he pouted, sitting next to me with his arms folded. "Aww is Jiminie in a mood" I teased, pouting. "You're mean" he moaned. I chuckled and hugged him tightly, "I get it from you" I teased. He gasped, "I'm not mean" he pouted. I giggled and kissed his cheek making him blush, fake gagging noses were heard, we turned and saw the boys. "Oh shut up" Jimin told them making them laugh and we continued to watch the drama.

Not long after and the blue sky turned black, the only lights came from the small moon and street lights. Pretending to be asleep with Jimin laying next to me with his arms wrapped around my waist. As expected he slowly removed his arms, being quiet as a mouse. "Sorry baby, I love you" he whispered, kissing me lightly on my lips. I heard the boys quiet footsteps walk through the house and the front door, opening then closing. I shot out of the bed, removing my overall, revealing my black clothing and left the house, to follow them.

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