Chapter 6

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"Stay away from me" I told them, "Sarah" Jungkook said and took a step closer, "I said stay away from me!" I shouted and they stood still. "Let these people go" I ordered, "We can't" V told me sadly, "What do you mean you can't" I asked, "Once they are punished for their sins, they can't escape and we can't let them go" RM explained. "So what about me? What happens to me now I know?" I asked a bit scared. "Nothing, nothing happens to you, we won't let anything happen to you" Jimin said quickly. I sighed. I didn't know what to do, think, say, I just stood there frozen. I looked at the cells once more and felt tears in my eyes, I was terrifies, what the fuck do I do? "Sarah please..." Jin started talking but I interrupted. "Don't fucking say anything, j....just... ta....take me back" I said. Jimin walked slowly towards me and put his hand out. I sighed and slowly held his hand. I closed my eyes and he took me back. Once I opened my eyes, I instantly grabbed my belongings and walked out without saying a word. What the fuck did I just witness. I didn't go back to their dorms or to Jake's, I was just walking anywhere. I stopped walking and looked, lost. I was lost, not knowing where I was, I carried on walking. I reached a park and walked inside, sitting on a bench. I pulled out my phone and saw hundreds of missed messages and calls of Bts. Asking where I was. Apologising. Pleading me to come back. Saying I was safe.

I honestly didn't know what to do, it's not everyday you find out your favourite band and friends are the 7 deadly fucking sins. What the fuck do I do now? How do I act? Do I tell someone? No people would just think I've gone mental and lock me up in an asylum. I can't say anything, to be honest I wouldn't anyways, even though I was now scared of them and worried about what they could do to me, I still wanted to keep their secret. They are still my friends after all...right? I then broke down in tears, I buried my face in my hands and cried. I didn't stop crying even when I felt an arm wrap round me and hugged me. I jumped and locked eyes with...Jimin. I instantly stood up and went to run away in fear but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, hugging me tightly. No matter how hard I fought back, trying to push him off me, even hitting him, he was extremely strong and kept his hold. Eventually I gave up and cried into his chest. "It's okay Sarah, please don't run" He whispered once I stopped crying. He pulled away and looked into my eyes keeping his hands on my waist, I looked down at the floor, not knowing what to do. 

"I'm sorry that you found out like this and I understand how you feel but I promise that none of us would ever hurt you or do anything to you. We are here for you and we are the exact same people you know. Please don't be afraid of us Sarah" He said to me making me calm down. He made me feel much better and I didn't feel scared anymore. He put his finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look at him, "We love you Sarah, we wouldn't do anything to you, we would risk our lives for you. We love and care about you so much" He spoke making me smile slightly. I blushed at his words. "Are you blushing?" He teasingly asked, "Shut up" I pouted and and he smiled, brightening up my day. I started to feel cold and I shivered. "Here" He said. He took off his jacket and gave it to me, "It's okay" I said, "I don't care what you say, take it" He said. "Thanks" I said with a smile as he put his jacket on me. 

"Come on, let's go. If you want to come back that is. I'll drop you off somewhere if you would like" He said worried, "It's okay, let's go" I said with a small smile. He smiled and we walked back together, his arm was wrapped around my waist. "Now I know why you guys were acting really weird" I said making him chuckle, "Yeah that's true" He laughed. We reached the house and all the guys were outside, once they saw us they ran up to us happy and worried. "Sarah, we was so worried" "Are you okay?" They said, I nodded silently, then they froze and they're eyes lowered slightly. I looked at what they were looking at and Jimin still had his arm wrapped round my waist. I chuckled, "I was cold " I told them trying to not make it awkward. They nodded and we went inside.

I sat in front of the fire with the boys, I still felt a bit weird but honestly Jimin reassured me. "Sarah, how are you feeling?" Yoogni asked. "Honestly I don't know how to feel" I answered and they nodded looking at me with worry. "Can you...explain to me what the fuck is going on" I asked. "Yeah, Um... well we are the 7 deadly sins, which you already know" RM said. I nodded my head, "Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath and Greed right?" I asked and they nodded. "Wrath" RM said, "Pride" Jungkook told me, "Gluttony" Jin said, "Envy" V said, "Greed" J-Hope told me, "Sloth" Suga said sleepily. "Lust" Jimin said with a wink, I rolled my eyes playfully, "It kind of makes sense I guess" I said, "What do you mean?" Jin asked. "Well you're always eating, RM is usually angry, Jimin is an extreme perv and fuckboy, V is jealous sometimes, J-Hope wants everything, Jungkook is good at everything and Suga is always fucking sleeping" I said pointing at a sleeping Suga making the boys laugh. "Hey, I might be a fuckboy but I'm your fuckboy" Jimin said seductively, wrapping his arm round my waist and pulling me closer to him on the sofa. "Jimin!" I shouted slightly hitting his chest. He chuckled, "How am I going to get used to this?" I asked myself. "Wait what did you mean by punishing their sins?" I asked. 

"Well, when people commit a sin sometimes it's not that bad but if it's extremely bad then they get punished by us. We don't have a choice if we punish them or not, if people are always angry and abusing people constantly they get punished by Wrath, if people are constantly jealous they get punished by Envy, people like sluts, whores, fuckboys, rapists get punished by Lust, and yeah you get the point" J-Hope explained to me. "What punishments do you have to give them?" I asked, they looked at each other and sighed, "You sure you want to know" Jimin asked me. I silently nodded my head and they sighed again. "Do you guys hate it?" I asked concerned. "Sort of, we hate not having a choice in punishing people but we have too. We also hate the fact that once someone is punished they die and get locked up forever without any freedom" Jungkook explained, my eyes widened. "You don't have to explain if you don't want to" I said. 

"It's fine, if you want to know, we'll tell you" Jin said. "It's up to you, I'm not going to force you if your not comfortable" I said. They smiled and decided to tell me. RM explained everything. "If they get punished by, I have to beat them to death, Envy has to torture them with things they want, Pride has to take everything from them and burn them with money, Gluttony has to make them starve to death, Greed has to take everything from them and darken their life by taking away everything they've ever loved, Sloth had to make sure they didn't get any sleep or food until they died and Lust had to fuck them, then kill them and yeah you get the picture" RM explained. My eyes widened when he explained. I took everything in slowly. "Wow, I'm sorry you have to do that" I said sympathetic. "It's alright, we've had to do it for years" he said. Even though I didn't know how to feel, I did feel bad for them. It was obvious that they weren't lying and they were really nice to me. Soon after we all went to our bedrooms and went to sleep.

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