Chapter 5

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Jimin's POV...

I woke up to see Sarah sleeping peacefully, she looked so pretty, I wonder when she will find out who we are. Will she still love us as much as she does now? Will she leave us forever? Will she hate us? I had my arm round her waist and she was extremely close to me. I moved away from her slowly and walked downstairs, not waking her up. I started making some bacon and eggs for myself and her for when she wakes up. The boys walked in a few minutes later. "Who's that for" Jungkook asked. "Myself and Sarah" I answered. The boys looked at me weirdly, "Are you falling for her?" J-hope asked. I shrugged. "Does she know?" Rapmon asked. "No not yet, when are we going to tell her?" I asked. "I don't know but we should tell her soon" Jin said and we all nodded. "Tell me what?" We all heard. Our heads turned rapidly and we all stood there shocked. Sarah was standing there staring at us. Fuck!

Sarah's POV...

I woke up and Jimin wasn't next to me. I frowned and got up. I walked down and heard voices in the kitchen. "Does she know?" Rapmon asked, "No not yet, when are we going to tell her?" Jimin asked. "I don't know but we should tell her soon" Jin said and they all nodded agreeing. "Tell me what?" I asked walking in. They all turned their head rapidly and stood there in shock looking at me. "Tell me what?" I asked again. "Um, nothing" Jungkook said. "Bullshit. Why did Rapmon ask if I knew and Jimin say that you should all tell me soon if it's nothing" I said looking at them. They all just looked at me not knowing what to say. "If your going to tell me soon, why don't you just tell me now, what the fuck are you guys hiding because you've all been acting weird lately" I said getting annoyed. They all looked at each other and sighed. "Okay but please don't freak out" Jimin said with a sigh. "Jimin!" Suga said. "What were going to have to tell her anyway, so why can't we tell her now" He said, they all sighed. "okay, let's go sit down in the living room" J-Hope said. We all went into the living room and Jimin gave me a plate of bacon and eggs, "Thanks" I said with a small smile. "Okay please don't freak out" Jin said. "Just someone tell me already, please" I said getting slightly frustrated."Were the seven deadly sins" Jimin said, there was silence for 5 seconds. 

"So your not going to tell me?" I asked not believing what he just said. "It's the truth Sarah" Rapmon said. "You expect me to believe that you are the seven deadly sins" I said with a chuckle. "She's not going to believe us" Jin stated. "No I'm not because that's a load of bullshit" I said. "Just tell me the truth" I said, "Why don't we just take her there" Jimin suggested, "We're gonna have to" Rapmon sighed. "What if we can prove it to you" Jungkook asked. "Prove it then" I told them. "Take my hand" Jimin said putting out his hand. I held his hand, he sighed, "Okay close your eyes" He said. I did as he said and closed my eyes. I sat there confused while I held his hand. Then suddenly I felt a weird feeling and a small breeze. I was still holding Jimin's hand which made me feel safe. Nothing was wrong.

"Okay Sarah, open your eyes" I opened my eyes, I was standing in a dark hallway with Bts. "Where are we?" I asked. "We're in another world, this is the seven deadly sins house" Jimin explained. "Do you believe us now?" Jungkook asked. "I....I" I stuttered, not being able to make words. "Look around" J-Hope said. "Okay" I said. I went to walk but stopped, I looked down and me and Jimin were still holding hands. I looked at him and smiled slightly. I looked down and blushed, "sorry" he said and let go of my hand. I stood there for a second as I was blushing. I looked up when I stopped blushing, sighed and started to walked around. The mansion gave me goosebumps, it sent shivers down my spine, it was scary and spooky but at the same time it was beautiful, unique and cool. I walked around, finding a bathroom, the kitchen, the dining room and living room on the bottom floor. The dining room looked like this...

My 7 Deadly Sins ~ BTS ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat