Seven / I told you he was a dick.

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Songs For This Chapter:

Fuck You - Lilly Allen

Katherine's Point Of View

I woke up on the couch with an arm wrapped around my belly. Even though I hate him I think he is sweet, when he is not hurting me, or getting angry. He were so sweet yesterday and we had an amazing time together. We danced around and it was funny. That was probably the first time, in a very long time he had gotten some fun. But I don't think I can trust him at all, I mean who can trust a person with that many issues.

I looked at the clock to see what time it was, it said it was 6 am. Fucking 6 am! Who the fuck wakes up, at 6 in the fucking morning?! I got kind of frustrated but decided to get some more sleep. Jason's stomach was facing my back. It was kind of weird that I'm spooning with Jason.

Jason's Point Of View

I woke up at 9 am and got a shock when I saw that I held Katherine in my arms. It was a really weird feeling. I had butterflies in my stomach when I held my arms around her. I never had that feeling with other girls. What's wrong with me?! I sound like a cheesy guy, and Jason McCann is not fucking cheesy! I'm bad, I doesn't have feelings for any fucking girl! I can't have feelings for another person. I don't care about others than myself.

I was cut out of my thoughts when I felt Katherine move in my arms, she turned around so she was facing me. She's actually really beautiful when she sleeps. Wait! What the fuck are you thinking Jason! She's just a girl! But she's a pretty girl, I have to admit that, 'cause she really is. I heard someone at the front door, so I tried to get up from the couch before someone saw us this way, but it was too late. Alfredo and Alex were standing in the doorframe to the living room, with a smirk on their faces. Oh god, they think I care about her!

I got up from the couch and walked over to them and said "Just to let you guys know, nothing happened between the two of us." They just laughed at me, and walked out in the kitchen. "Where's the other guys?" I asked.

"They are probably hooking up with some sluts." Alfredo said, and he is probably right I guess.

I walked to the living room again, just to see if Katherine were awake. Her back was facing me as I walked towards her. I turned her carefully around, and she wasn't awake yet. I decided to let her sleep a little bit just because she didn't really get much sleep last night. I'd probably wake her up by 10 or so.

I walked up to my 'office' just to check what's going on in the 'gang-life' and some other stuff. I sat down in the chair and turned on my computer.

Katherine's Point Of View

I woke up again on the couch but without any sign of Jason. But of course Alex and Alfredo sat there looking at football. I sat up and they just looked at me. "Did you and Jason have a great little party last night?" Alfredo asked while smirking.

"Sure as hell we had. Some of you dicks can't apparently make him laugh, but I thought it was pretty easy to do." I said fake smiling to them. "Ouch." They said in unison.

"Do you know how bitchy you sound?" Alfredo asked while laughing to Alex.

"Sure." I said smiling at him. I was faking, just so you know. "Where is Jason?" I asked them. They just pointed up, so I'm guessing he is upstairs. I walked up to search for him. I started at 'our' room, but he wasn't there. I didn't bother to look for him in some of the other rooms right now. I took a shower while I was in the bathroom. I took one of Jason's shirts, and my underwear.

When I was done I walked out and wrapped a towel around my body. I dried my body and took another towel to my hair. I sat down on the floor against the wall because I was tired. Of course Jason came in, right after I sat down.

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