ch.15 'What is love?'

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'I love you', he said that he loves me ?!

Yuri couldn't move and didn't say anything. He was still waiting for an answer but soon realized that she was too surprised for what he just told her. "It's okay you don't have to say anything, I just wanted to express my feelings towards you before It's too late" Jungkook says and puts her hand into his. Yuri starts blushing and looks down as "I love you too" escapes from her mouth. She's too shy to look up at him.

"But Jungkook..." she looks at him a bit sad makes his heart beat increase. "What is it?"
"Namjoon told me that I can't be together with you at the moment and that I have to leave as soon as you wake up..and..that like..only the future will tell if we will be able to date or not"

They become quiet for a moment since everything she just said is true. Yuri has to go back to the US and they can't date because of the rumors. They just reunited back together and already have to split up again.

"Yuri! New Year in North Carolina, the same mountain we where at, at the same spot I asked you out. Let's meet there. By then everything will be back to normal and this time I will be really careful. I promise you" he says and look at her deep in the eyes.

"You promise?"
"Yes I do"


Spring is over and it's already summer time, it's the beginning of June and the rumors are still going on. At every interview Jungkook denies the rumors every time and yet he gets the same questions over and over.

He has a plan but hasn't told anyone because he knows what he is planning will effect the whole group.

It's now the last interview they will attend and Jungkook is preparing himself for his plan.

"Thank you!"
"Today we will ask you some questions from your fans Army, are you ready!"
"Let's GO" - Jungkook shouts and everyone looks at him confused but they just smiled "Yes we are ready" Namjoon says looking at Jungkook.

"Alright first question: who's your ideal type?"

They all starts to laugh "The iconic question, well as for us all we mostly look at personality right guys?"
"Aah yeah yeah! Personality matters the most."
"My ideal type is someone I connect with." Yoongi adds.

"Great! Next question: Jungkook, are you still in contact with the girl the fans are claiming is your girlfriend?"

Everyone becomes quiet , waiting for the same repeated answer from Jungkook 'No those are just rumors and are not true, as you know I am too busy for dating. I focus on my career'
But Jungkook keeps quiet.

"May I say something related to that" he finally speaks. The guys are still prepared for the repeated answer.
Jungkook turns to the fans sitting around them in the room. "Army, you know that I love you right"

"Then can I ask you a question?"
"Army~ be honest with me. What is love to you?"
No one answers, looking at each other. No one is sure what he means by that question. "Heeey Jungkook what are you doing!!?" Namjoon whispers in his ear. Jimin giving him a slight hit at his arm and says whispering "why?"

Jungkook is calm and ignores them "Is love about taking someone's happiness and break their soul or is love about wanted the other to stay happy. Is love about destroying or supporting?"

"Supporting" a few army's says in the lower back of the room. "Jungkook we support you!" Everyone screams after a few seconds.
"Them would you support me to stay happy?"
"The girl I met in North Carolina made me whole again and" Namjoon takes the mic and turn it off.
"Jungkook you didn't tell us about this? What are you doing? I told you I will support you guys, but not like this?" He says whispering.

"Sorry can we take the next question" He says but Jungkook takes back the mic rudely making all the others quite mad at him for not respecting them. "Sorry but I need to be honest, I can't lie to my fans. They mean everything to me and I want to stay true to them. Please understand me, I am doing this for all of us. Namjoon I am sorry, BTS I am sorry. Everyone I am sorry. But I am broken, I can barely breath whenever I lie about her. She makes me complete, she makes me happy, she gives me life, she is the other half of me. Do you understand, Army when you are against don't only hurt her but you hurt me thousand times more..not because of you but because of myself. She is going through such a thing because of me.."

"Army I feel like I don't deserve her because of who I am, I promise I will keep loving you because you made me come this far...but Army my dear Army you as a part of me please don't destroy me." He looks down and tears are streaming down his cheeks "Without her I can't continue as an artist either. I tried my best to stay with my group but you know how love is. When you find the one it's not easy to split up, besides not everyone gets the chance to love. My love for you will be the same maybe just a little more if I have her in my life. I'm sorry I don't deserve anyone of you, I'm just an egoist" he rise up and is about to leave the room when all the army's screams "WE SUPPORT YOU!"

He keeps crying and looks at everyone cheering for me. His heart beat is beating fast and a feeling of a happy breeze flows in his body. He want to run into his fans, hug them one by one. Tell them thank you for existing, thank you for accepting me for who I am with my ego. But no words comes out his mouth, his throat hurts cause he keeps trying to hold on his tears even though most of them already are flowing down from his eyes. He takes a glance at the other members shit! They look mad...ooops


"Seriously" was the last word his members told him. After they went back to the entertainment no one spoke to him, everyone was concerned about the consequences. It's just the beginning of June and in about two weeks they will go on vacation for Bon Voyage. Those hopes and plans will probably happen without Jungkook or maybe there won't be any vacation at all.

"Jungkook!" Their manager says with a strict voice looking at him.
"I'm sorry"
"You are?"
"Yes, I'm sorry"
"Don't be"
"What?" He looks at him confused he is not sure if he is sarcastic or if he really means it.
"Look outside from the window"

They all run to the window to see what's going on. Fans are outside, no one is saying a word but everyone are crying quietly. Holding up signs such as "we support you for every decision you make" , "we are sorry, you are not an ego we are"
and "Your happiness is our happiness, we are rooting for you Jungkook! We love you please forgive us"

The guys give each a big hug to Jungkook and shake him back and forth. "When did you become such a good speaker"

"Jungkook" their manager looks at him still with a strict voice and a poker face.

"Don't ever make a step without telling us. We are a family got it, everyone never repeat this kind of behavior"

"Yes, we are sorry" they all say and bow down.

"And Jungkook sorry for not helping you and listening to you before. We all learned something new" their manager says and steps out of their room.

Jungkook opens the window and screams from the bottom of his heart.

"Army!! I love you so much"

Everyone looks up and screams while crying out loud "WE LOVE YOU ALL PLEASE BE HAPPY! WE SUPPORT YOU ALL"

They all place their arms on each other's shoulders and look at each other

What would I do without this guys..and my Army
....Yuri I made it! We made it!
I'm happy again.

We are coming closer to the end.

Thank you!
Take care!
Love yourself!

// T:e <3

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