ch.5 'Friends?' [Part.1]

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The first day had already started. Jungkook and Yuri where happy to have so many days ahead of them spending together.
They were already like best friend at least that's what the others thought. Specially because they both talked korean, so it's normal for them to get along.

"Good morning JK, today we will be taking a loooong walk around the area. I'm excited" Yuri says while smiling brightly.

"Morning! Hmm yeah it's nice and I'm excited too!"
I'm excited for sharing another day with you..I'm such a fool hahah glad my hyungs didn't come. They would make so much fun of me.

"there you starre at me again, do you use to daydream a lot?"

"what oh sorry yeah no, it's something new I guess. Daydreaming. Mhm" he laughs trying to ignore the fact that he just turned to a red tomato.

"Weirdo" she says and laughs.

Adam parred them up two and two and since it's still a camping trip, with adventure, they will not only look around but also search for a destination. Adam handed all of them a map which looked quite basic but the more they looked at it the more complicated it got.

"If anything comes up call me, I'll be active during the whole day and night. Don't forget that. Now Good luck!"

"JK can you read maps?"

"No but I will as soon as I look at it, I can do everything;)"

[3h later]

"Yuri, I have been thinking about something. Since yesterday. Do you think we can be friends even after this trip has ended?"

"How would I know that, time will tell."

"But do you want to? I mean like just friends. My life isn't very easy and quite difficult sometimes. I mean I can only be friends with you. You know that. I told you yesterday, how famous I am and how much of work I have to do. You know. And I have fun with you, so would you stay as my friend? It would be nice having one who isn't famous"

"Yeah I know, you told me. But I don't know why you are telling me this. I mean we are friends now or?" She looks at him with a confusion.

He looks down then looks up to her again "Yes we are but I mean can we stay as friends later too for a long time, I'm afraid of losing a friend just because of my life?"

"It's ehm..I don't, I.. I can't think right now, I'm very hungry" she tries to change the subject.

She knew that if they stay as friends, she would end up falling for him deeply and she didn't want that. He was famous and his life was already a mess. She would just make it more difficult for him. Needing time to meet up and stuff. Besides that she may just end up being hurt for liking him alone without being liked back. But at the same time she didn't want to lose him.

"Ok. Think about it. Wait here and don't go anywhere. I'll try to ask someone if there is any stores in the nearby" he says.

"Ok, but hurry. I'm very hungry"

"I'll be back soon" Jungkook turns around and starts jogging away.

Jungkook was searching for a while, asked around but couldn't find anything so he called Adam.

"Hello! Me JK, Where is mmm Ehmm, Yuni, she like food NO! I need shop food, where?"

"Food? Aah, wait I'll send you the directions to where you can head down to the village. Wait I'll send you a message. Wait"

"Oouhm Wait okay, fast please Yuni need food"

>>message sent & received<<

It took him a while to understand what it actually was. Then he started to head down to the village.
He walks for about 30min and reaches the village. It looked very beautiful and he wanted Yuni to be there with him. But since she was hungry, he was afraid that she wouldn't have energy. So he hurried and found finally found a store.


What takes him so long for, what if he is lost.

She makes a call with Adam and she gets a feeling of him already being lost. Besides that he doesn't even know english well. So she walks the same road and end up finding the village.

She didn't even get Jungkook's number to call him and make sure he isn't lost.

She was worried until she found him in a store, while having a girl in his arms. Yuni was very shocked. Didn't know what was going on. Just for an hour ago he asked her if she could be his friend. Yesterday he told her how difficult it would be to have a girlfriend as an artist. It didn't really make sense to what she as seeing now.

Jungkook | Contemporaneous ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora