ch.12 'Spring'

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The words from Jungkook really broke her heart. She has no words for reply and just shut her phone down.

But something wasn't right. It feels like something is missing, as if he is keeping something from her. How he told her to find herself someone better than him who's not famous rang over in her mind over and over.
Yuri's tears just falls down her cheeks. While looking out the window she begins to cry. A whole piece of her was suddenly gone, that part of her which she had been looking for, for so long. The other half of her which she found in him suddenly disappears.

Yuri looks at the raindrops hitting her window.
She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, hoping to see him but all she saw was darkness. She couldn't even see him while closing her eyes anymore. All she felt was her pain in her chest, her hard but weak heartbeats.
She leaves her phone behind and goes to the kitchen.

While looking at the coffee cup she gets reminded of the day Jungkook asked her out. She picks up the coffee cup but it doesn't smell the same, it didn't have the same smell as the coffee he made her. Yuri spills out the coffee and leaves the house for a walk.

As she steps outside she sees the sunshine, flowers, raindrops on the leaves turned from tears to crystals. It looked beautiful. She goes back inside and brings an umbrella and her notebook. While walking around she takes small notes of beautiful things. Jungkook was the most beautiful thing in her life that ever happened to her. So therefor she can't lose that feeling.
While taking notes, she cries unconsciously

Raindrops that looks like tears.
Flowers in different shapes and colors.
Sunshine and clouds, with a little rain.
Happy people walking around.
Perfect spring day...only Jungkook's smile is missing in the scenery.
It's..amazing how everything looks like him. Every beautiful little thing that makes me smile looks exactly like him. He was the most beautiful thing in my life, I can't let that beauty disappear. Maybe I can't see him and talk to him but I can look at the world, the beautiful scenario of nature which reminds me of his beautiful, outstanding and bright personality.

After a long walk she returns home. It's almost midnight and she still hasn't eaten anything. She has no appetite. Instead she goes into her bedroom. She lays down on her bed full of pillows and a warm soft, light peach shaded blanket. The bed is warm enough for her to dream away in her thoughts of him and their memories together. The picture of him made her eyes burning. She tried to hold on to her tears but failed. It doesn't take long and she falls asleep.


Jungkook is still unconscious, asleep on the hospital bed. "Taehyung, you can go home and rest now. I will stay here with him". Taehyung looks up at Namjoon who gently put her hands on his and gives him a warm smile.

"No it's fine I can stay don't worry. I'm not even tired..." Taehyung answers while yawning. He laughs and gives Namjoon his box smile.

"Taehyung, go home"

He smiles and rise up, he is so tired that he almost falls to the side. He keeps laughing his way out of the room, trying to hide the fact how sad he actually is with his laugh.

Namjoon tries his best to make everyone feel good and somehow he feels like he failed. He is disappointed in himself how he couldn't be of any better help specially for Jungkook. He saw the pain in his eyes all the time but never said anything.
Hopefully he will come over it soon, he thought everytime he saw him. Which he regrets now. Namjoon picks up Jungkook's phone and read the first message of Yuri after he muted her number. He reads them out loud to Jungkook.

"I know I shouldn't read them, but I am reading them for you. I don't care if you get mad at me later, cause I would be if I were you. But I know you need to hear her words. Since you are not allowing yourself to read them. I'm sorry Jungkook but I have to do this."

He says and closes his eyes, put his hands on his face and looks down. Trying to hold on to his tears. He takes a deep breath and starts reading, one by one. Not missing a single text.

Everything from "How are you?" To "Today I bought a new warm winter jacket..." To "I wish we could celebrate new year together" to "it's spring now you haven't answered me for months..I hope everything is fine." To her last words "I miss you".

Namjoon didn't see it but could feel how Jungkook brightens up from the inside. Her words warmed Jungkook's heart and even though it made him sad it also made him happy. Namjoon knew it cause Jungkook was crying in his sleep with a smile on his lips.

"I am impressed Jungkook, you managed to find such a beautiful person, just like you. You two deserve each other. I promise I won't let this being taken away just because of social status and the fact that you are who you are. I will talk to our boss and do everything I can. I regret not giving you a hug and not asking you how you really felt when I saw everything in your eyes. I can't regret not helping you now. Please wake up. We all need you. We love you Jungkook and so does Yuri."

He holds his hands and squeezes them while putting his head on the bed and falls alseep right next to him.


Taehyung is standing outside the room. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but it turned out that way. He gets the greatest idea just before leaving. Taehyung goes back inside, slowly and very careful not to wake them up. Specially not Namjoon. He takes a picture of her number.

Next chapter will be less sad. Jungkook is Taehyung's best friend. Ofc he gotta do something ;)

Thank you!
Take care!
Love yourself!

// T:e <3

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