ch.11 'Lie'

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"You have to end the contact with her"

"But the contact is the only thing we have left together. Please"

"You are always on your phone and you are not even doing a proper job."


"Jungkook! I am your boss and I see how you're going backwards and also I don't think you want to make it harder for the boys. Cut the contact and focus on your career besides you need to clean your name. Rumors about you paying girls is not something I want here. Got it?!"

"Yes boss..."

Jungkook picks up his phone. Scrolling through their messages. They have been texting each other for about 2 months. He taps the block button.
"Are you sure you want to block this number". He stares at it for 10 minutes straight.
He can't block her, instead he put it on mute.
Everyone sits in the car on their way to the practice room. An upcoming tour is coming in a week. Their schedule is very tight, a lot of practices and working out. Which makes Jungkook to forget about her a few days.

"How are you?" Namjoon says and puts his hand on Jungkook's shoulders. He looks him in the eye and sees how sad Jungkook looks. But he gives a fake smile "I am totally fine, just tired from the practice but I am fine". Namjoon doesn't believe his words "I hope you are true to yourself, It's good that you are fine. Now let's go practicing, we have to do our best!".

"We are finally meeting Army!!!" Jimin says and jumps up and down, hanging around Jungook. Giving him a smile and clap him on his head "Cheer up!". Everyone could feel he was down since the day he came back from the trip.

Jungkook looks at the boys and sees how happy they are and how tired everyone is from all the dance practices. Here he is and acting all up and almost forgot about his career because of a girl. I am happy to see them happy, I am fine! I don't need her he keeps telling himself, letting out a breath and goes into the practice room.


It's been a few month since they haven't talked together.
Yuri's media feed is full of Jungkook in different countries having tours.
She is proud of him and happy to see him. Even is she isn't there in real life she imagines sitting in the crowd and cheering for him. Watching all the videos makes her happy but also miss him even more. He must be busy, that's why he isn't answering...I wish he could answer my messages soon. I wish to video chat with him. She is laying in bed and listening to his angelic voice echoing at the concerts.


Another 2 months passes and he still hasn't answered her. Yuri starts to get anxious and worried that he may have forgot about her.

>>Jungkook? Why aren't you answering me? You promised me to never let me go...did you already forget me? I know you are busy but at least read my messages...I hope that you are fine, I miss you<<

Jungkook opens his phone to write a message to his family saying he is doing fine when he sees +40 unseen messages from Yuri. His heart stops beating. He was so busy with the tours and fan meeting events that he had forgot about her.

Her name gave him a pain in his chest. The rumors must have ended by now, my name is all clean now...I can open the chat and see what she wrote right.....I can't, I will just hurt her if I do. He keeps looking at her name. He was sitting at the back of the car, luckily no one saw him crying. He looks out the window and looks at the gloomy weather. The sky was crying with him. He draws mountains on the window. Memories of them, laughing, being mad, jealous, worried, sad, scared, happy, in love. Everything came at once. He can't stop the image of her smile popping up in his mind. The next second he remembers how he made her cry because of who he was.

He take out his notebook and starts writing.

Yuri I'm sorry but I am not worth you, I don't deserve your love. I will only hurt you. I care for the boys. I will hurt them too. Also I will hurt my beautiful fans. The one who supports me, I will hurt them too if I contact you again. But I miss you, I need you...

Jungkook opens her messages, he doesn't read what she wrote.
>>Yuri I'm sorry for not answering, I have been busy and I will be busy for a long time. I'm sorry that I keep hurting you. Yuri you deserve someone better than me. Find yourself a man who can take care of you, find someone who isn't famous. Find someone who loves you for real. My feelings for you has faded. I thought that you where my other half, the one I have been looking for. But I was wrong. I don't like you. I'm sorry Yuri. Let's not contact each other anymore, forget about me just like how I forgot you. I wish you a happy life without me. Take care. Goodbye<<

Before he shuts his phone he sees a bit of her last message...the last sentence "I miss you". He can't hold it in anymore and begins to cry. I am a lier, I am worthless. All I do is hurting people.

"JUNGKOOK! What is it? Are you not feeling well? Are you sick??" Everyone looks behind. They are too nice towards me, I am not wroth any of this....I am not worth Yuri, the boys and definitely not my fans. He thinks over and over. Without noticing he faints.

Everyone tries to wake him up but it doesn't work. Namjoon tries his best to keep everyone calm. But inside he was really worried, he could feel that something wasn't right.
He had seen the pain in his eyes during the whole time. Namjoon picks up Jungkook's phone which fell from his hands and sees that he send a message to a girl named Yuri. He shouldn't read it he thought but something told him it's important to know what is going on. He puts his phone in his pocket and they drive Jungkook to the hospital.

I hope that you are doing fine :)
I will try to write more in details in my next chapter.

Thank you!
Take care!
Love yourself!

// T:e <3

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